'Stop blaming your failure to comply on God. You are responsible.'
Yes, the fault is all mine. The bible omni-everything god can do anything and everything, except make up for my miserable stubbornness, my refusal to dissembowel myself. In bible times, it is written, he did mighty miracles, saving millions w mighty floods, giant hail stones, even fire from heaven that ate rocks. He caused men to fly through the air, birds to fly to their rescue, toppled mountains, appeared to the patriarchs. The patriarchs were barabric and stubborn. However, they were better than me, apparently. God gave them all kinds of signs. But nothing to me. Makes ya wonder about all those ot stories. The farther back they are in time, the more spectacular they are. The closer to us they are, in time, the less magical they are, until today, nothing.