Humans are to ants what god is to humans....
at least, that is how I see it.
Ants can't KNOW humans or entertain theories and ideas or myths about humanity.
If we step on an anthill they don't mourn and bury their dead and send prayers up to us.
We are just ONE MORE THING they have to deal with.
Humans don't BECOME an ant and live among them and die at their bidding only to rise and save a few for later reward.
Humans don't help a select few ants write a wonderful and inspiring ant bible to enlighten and bond with us.
Ants are extremely different from humans and the twain simply don't meet. We barely tolerate their existence!
But, we humans are convinced god is a guy in the sky. He may not actually have a spirit penis, but, HE is a male of some sort.
We humans are fairly certain about god in many ways. We can list attributes for HIM like a list of things to get at the local 7-11 store.
Justice, Power, Love, Wisdom. Blah blah blah blah.
We have named god or think god has revealed HIS NAME. All over the world there are at least 100+ such names!
Most christians are absolutely sure Jesus was Divine or God himself or part of a Trinity, etc.
The idea that Jesus/God had to take a crap in the bushes and wipe a holy ass does not seem blasphemous in the least!
Surely, no self-respecting christian would attribute man's imperfections to an ALMIGHTY GOD, would they?
Jesus probably had to pee every once in a while and trim nose hairs, belch, cut loud farts and---well, you get the idea!
As GOD, this seems ridiculous, but, as the Son OF...god.....not so bad if we don't think about it too hard.
The more fanatical a christian is the more FIXED are their ideas about what god IS and ISN'T.
That rather makes me ill consider.....that I....myself....had god in a bottle like a kid with a bug.
How can anybody KNOW god?
Isn't this idea simply the result of all those bible stories we have heard ten thousand times since we were babies?
Like George Washington chopping down his father's cherry tree or William Tell shooting an apple off his son's head or
Romulus and Remus being raised by a she-wolf?
If there is such a thing as a sin against the Holy Spirit it simply MUST include attributing human characteristics to an Almighty Supreme Being!
Yet, we are very comfortable with God speaking in our ear. Yes OUR OWN ear like a drinking buddy at a local bar.
Millions of people die every day in disasters without "god" lifting a finger (seemingly) to help---yet, god OUR GOD talks to US and is personally
interested in our petty problems!!
How did we become we aren't just ants? Isn't it solely because of that old storybook?
Or, is it an emotional superstitious tingly feeling that comes over us like a shivering wet dream? Is god that simple?
I think we are ants and god (GAWD AMIGHTY!) is so beyond our species we are only fooling ourselves
like an infant with its own thumb in its mouth.
What do you say?