Did I handle this okay?

by headisspinning 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • saltyoldlady

    I think your letter is GREAT! You tried very diligently to help her understand by being understanding yourself of her position. And I like the fact that you laid out the facts for her - that it is the organization that is dragging their feet about exercising loving-kindness. That helps to open her eyes even though it may not in fact be the most accurate representation of your position right now, but the truth is she is not ready to deal with your internal changes yet, either. So slow and easy is the best course for the moment is my thought on the matter. The day for exposure to Ray Franz will come - pushing it too soon will kill its chance of acceptance. Take your time - she is in distress because she honestly believes you will be destroyed if Armageddon were to come - makes our hearts sad to see them blinded by this deception but just keep praying on the matter and Jehovah will open the doors to their realization they have been deluded - but He will do it at the best time and you and I are not capable of discerning that one. Patience on that matter will win the war. Just keep exercising love toward her - it has the ability to melt all opposition given time. I am so happy she has softened a bit already.

    Another book I thought was just great was Don Cameron's Captives of a Concept. It helps you understand what you are up against in trying to open people's eyes and it is quick and easy to read, very short in comparison to Ray Franz's works. Other treasures for me were Carl Olof Jonnson's Gentile Times Reconsidered - be sure to get the latest edition which I believe is the 4th one. He is another individual who stayed cool, calm, and detached inspite of the witch hunt mentality and slander hurled his way. While I haven't come to personally agree with all of his positions, he offers abundant proof that the 2520 years did not conclude in 1914 which is the basis for so much WTS belief. And then the books by Edmond C. Gruss were also treasures for me - especially Jehovah's Witnesses - Their claims, doctrinal changes and prophetic speculation. What does the record show? Very very well presented - mountains of evidence that your husband might especially like investigating in view of his former position. It results in one realizing we have had anything BUT the truth on ever so many matters and may help him feel much better about his change in circumstances. It is never easy to step down from a position of honor such as he had. I also found Edmond C. Gruss historical survey of the Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society well done, objective and informative.

    It is a thrill to watch your progress as you continue learning and to see how well you are handling the difficult curves you have had to negotiate. May Jehovah and His Son, our Lord Christ Jesus continue blessing your course. Love, Salty

  • headisspinning

    You got it right... my mother is shunning me but we are allowing her to see the baby.

    She was very actively involved in destroying what was left of my husband's reputation when we first got disfellowshipped. Honestly, it was slander. She finally was reprimanded by one of the elder's who personally dealt with my husband's case and even that didn't stop her.

    It wasn't until she found out about the abuse my husband endured as a child that she finally came to her senses.

    Since then she has mellowed ... what she did is absolutely terrible but we do not want to hold a grudge and her attitude towards us has changed so we are willing to let her see the baby.

    I did bring up the 'vicious gossip' that was going on in an email to her. I didn't accuse her directly... but I think she got the point and knew that we knew she was involved.

    I'm pretty forgiving and not cruel by nature so I am okay with letting her own conscience plague her for what she did. I guess it's kind of like 'turn the other cheek', right?

    She just keeps thanking me for letting her see the baby - I think it's kind of funny because I haven't changed and I told her that. Of course (if she's being decent) she can see him. It's HER that is being hardcore and ridiculous, NOT me. Not even my husband whose name she dragged through the mud.

    I told her that we will be in town in May and that they can come and pick up the baby and take him out for a few hours. Our contact will be brief and limited.

    I don't think she would dare bring any issues up... if she does ANYTHING inappropriate that will be it... and I think she knows that!

  • metatron

    It is difficult, isn't it? You have to walk a tightrope between truth and fiction to preserve the peace of mind of your loved ones.

    One way or the other, I think we all do it, even outside of the 'truth'.

    In the end, the only purpose of life is happiness. Perhaps COC would not make your relatives happy, in their advanced years. As long as they make allowance for exception within the 'truth', perhaps they are best left as they are.


  • leavingwt

    PLEASE read 'Combatting Cult Mind Control', immediately, if you have not done so. Having finished 'Crisis of Conscience', you have 50% of the picture. Once you finish 'Combatting Cult Mind Control', you'll understand the other 50%. You'll then understand WHY you once believed things that are demonstrably false. You'll understand which of your fears are irrational (phobias) and which ones are real. You'll understand why all of your JW friends and family do not want to hear about any of the fascinating things that you've learned. Most importantly, you'll learn what NOT to say. You'll learn how to avoid 'triggering' the cult personality, when speaking to your loved ones. Good luck.

  • willyloman


    I liked your reply a lot. When you love someone but there's an issue that comes between you, often the best thing to do is to love them around it. It's sounds like you understand that. In time, and with luck (oops, I mean fortune) perhaps your parents will learn the same thing.

    With C of C, I've learned that the book won't be appreciated unless and until the reader has developed some doubts and has nagging questions about the veractity of "The Truth." So, right now, love is the most powerful tool you can use.

  • headisspinning

    Thanks to all of you - I made notes of all the books. I am going to read Ray's second book and then work through the rest.

    It's funny. I never had a favourite WT book or publication. NEVER. It was always a huge chore to me. But all of a sudden for the first time in my life, I actually WANT to learn the TRUTH. Funny that!

    As some of you know we are in the process of moving. Guess what I did? Threw out a huge load of WT literature. Admittedly, I did keep one copy of the YPA books, the Bible Story book and the Greatest Man books... I think those may have some value for the kids. I will have to go through them again.

    But all those WT/Awake! magazines, Revelation books etc. ... they are GONE!

    I feel cleansed!

  • jeckle

    i think you did rock on head i salute you

  • jwfacts

    I think it is a good response, and will leave your mother hanging for a while. JWs think Jehovah and the organization is one and the same thing. You are letting her know you have not left jehovah. At some point she will come to realise that you no longer think that following Jevovah is the same as following the organization, which may be a good awakening for her.

  • headisspinning

    I really value ALL of your responses...

    And Jeckle... thank you...

    If I could make a list of the people who have helped me the most so far... well, gee, I don't need to because most of you have already replied!

    (One day I will warrant replies from Barbara, YNot etc.... LOL!)


    PS. Ohhhhh and I can't wait to get a reply from the one and only Outlaw! :)

  • jeckle

    ya me too make it good!

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