My wife has been depressed each time we see our JW friends. She doesn't want to see them anymore, because it reminds her of what she left behind, and it makes her feel bad.
I've offered to go back to meetings for a while to help her break away. She never wants to go back, but her guilt and anger make her so uncomfortable around active JW''s really bothering her.
Any good books out there on breaking away from controlling organizations, especially concentrating on keeping the friendships but not the allegiance to the organization in question? I'm really having a hard time helping her with this. I'm always there for her, but I don't have any solutions to her sadness in this regard.
I work very hard to make her happy, but she's been feeling insecure about the future because she said that, "When I was a JW, I always had some kind of focus. No matter how blind it was, I miss having a direction to go in."
I've tried telling her that the beauty of our situation is that we don't have kids, and are free, without having wasted our lives to a lie. We can travel the world, and just love each other, burden-free.
But she still has issues with having been a JW. Frankly, I was such an asshole as a JW, that leaving them was no problem. My mother put the fear of control in me, so I had an easier time breaking away than my wife is having.
Any suggestions, books, seminars, etc? I just want her to be able to funtion around JWs, even come to terms with her past.
(BTW, her childhood was a whole lot worse than mine.)