hey ashi,
I can only speak from my own personal exerience here about this.
As far as having a direction to go in, I don't quite know, honestly.
I still believe in God.
Where I go from here in the persuit of that relationship, I cannot say. I know I will never follow man or an "organization" of men. I still have a ways to go, and I'm not to worried about the immediate future. I still have soul searching to do, and time to sort things out. I'm under NO pressure, I can develope this as I go along. You and she need to take that time, and do this together. Your being very supportive of her, and I'm sure she appreciates that. Take your time. Examine everything, and make your best decision. Don't run headlong into something, because you need to fill a "gap" in your lives.
I know I'm probibly telling you things you already know. You seem like a decent person, and without the stresses in life so many have to carry around. Enjoy your life together and take your time. After all, whats the rush?
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