Quick Question (or two, or three)...

by AGuest 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Although I realize the responses may not be "quick", a response on another thread prompts me to ask:

    "What do you mean by "spiritual"? What is "spiritual" to you?"

    The comment was something to the affect that one can have a "spiritual" experience "without God" (the poster can correct/refine my quote, if desired).

    My understanding is the "spiritual" has to do with what is of the "spirit." Yet, many here are of the opinion that we are solely physical beings, pretty much the sum total of our biological flesh. If, however, we can relate to experiences that are "spiritual," with what are we doing such relating?

    Can someone help me understand, please, if we are nothing more than physical beings, what is meant by "spiritual" experiences, etc., for those who do not believe in spirits... or the spirit (that I assert we all possess)?

    I look forward to your comments. Thank you and, again, may you all have peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • leavingwt

    Hello, Shelby.

    Sam Harris is one atheist who has something to say on this topic. (Naturally, more than a few atheists vehemently disagree with him.)

    "There is clearly no greater obstacle to a truly empirical approach to spiritual experience than our current beliefs about God. . ."


  • AGuest

    Thank you, dear LWT (the greatest of love and peace to you!). Well, I read the entire Wiki article and I have to say that I would agree with about 90% of what Mr. Harris is purported to believe. That 10%, however, makes all the difference: it is what Mr. Harris DOESN'T know... and what MY faith is based on. I say he doesn't know because, if what I read he believes about the Bible is accurate, then there's a lot he doesn't know. If I were an educated woman perhaps I would entertain a discussion with him - I am not, however, but simply a servant and so it most likely isn't to be.

    With all of that said, while I thank you for sharing Mr. Harris' views, may I ask yours, personally?

    Again, thank you and peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Retrovirus

    Hi Shelby,

    It's an interesting question and I don't have a complete answer, let alone a quick one.

    Whether I believe in God is moot. I certainly don't believe in the Bible OT God. Perhaps the best way I could explain it is that there are much better people than I, and better ones then them, and the "goodness" must come from somewhere. . .

    Yet I've had a "spiritual" experience; perhaps best to call it an insight. It greatly helped me at a low point in my life, and still gives me a perspective that helps me grow in tolerance and enjoyment of life.

    My present way of explaining it is that we don't know everything; in fact I don't think we know much. We have opinions or belief systems about what we are (physical and/or spiritual) that may or may not be right. Often "spiritual" or "supernatural" are just words to flag that we don't know.

    I'm OK with not knowing; that way new viewpoints and discoveries don't faze me.


  • leavingwt


    With all of that said, while I thank you for sharing Mr. Harris' views, may I ask yours, personally?

    For me personally, any spiritual moments I enjoy are usually related to music. I would define it as a feeling of something greater than myself or outside myself. It is not theistic.

  • Berengaria

    Good to see you LWT! I agree completely.

    First definition of Spirit in MW

    : an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms

  • flipper

    AGUEST- May you have peace too ! More back to ya.

    Here is the Websters Dictionary definition : Spiritual - 1. of the spirit or the soul as distinguished from the body or material matters 2. of, from or concerned with the intellect ; intellectual 3. of or consisting of spirit ; not corporeal 4. characterized by the ascendancy of the spirit ; showing much refinement of thought and feeling 5. of religion or the church ; sacred, devotional, or eccesiastical ; not lay or temporal 6. spiritualistic or supernatural .

    So there you have it ! It has a variety of meanings apparently ! Makes sense to me. I have become more " spiritual " since exiting Jehovah's Witnesses over 7 years ago in that I have become more concerned with my intellect or learning capacity in point # 2. and my spirit has ascended or been refined in my thoughts and deep feelings as well pointed out in point # 4 ! So I consider myself a " spiritual " person , yet not conventionally " religious " in any sense of the word. Hope that clears up a few things there for you- at least regarding some of us

  • AGuest

    Peace to you all and thank you for your responses thus far!

    I consider myself a " spiritual " person , yet not conventionally " religious " in any sense of the word.

    I consider myself such, too, dear Mr. Flipper (peace to you!). Regarding your definitions, I think we would both throw out No. 5 (I would). May I ask, though, are you of the "belief" that Nos. 1, 3, and 4 are less... ummmmm... true... real... than No. 2? I realize that today's definition of "spiritual" is more along the lines of No. 2, for many people; however, that is an "evolution" of the word, is it not? My experience, though, tends to be a manifestation of the original meaning of the word, i.e., the derivation from "spirit"... or "breath," "wind", etc. Any comments on that?

    Also, to anyone who's paying attention, is "spiritual" really an accurate word for those who don't believe IN the spirit [being]? I mean, the "man" other than the physical being? Just curious...

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Berengaria

    I realize that today's definition of "spiritual" is more along the lines of No. 2, for many people; however, that is an "evolution" of the word, is it not? My experience, though, tends to be a manifestation of the original meaning of the word, i.e., the derivation from "spirit"... or "breath," "wind", etc. Any comments on that?

    So you are saying you are stuck in the dark ages?

  • unshackled

    This is a good question. Spiritual can be defined as "of or relating to religion or religious belief" which would include belief in spirits. But it can also have other meanings such as "relating to, or affecting the human spirit". Such as leavingwt said...music does it for him.

    I had started a thread along a similar line, but it quickly went where threads go to die. Man in Black offered a great comment. You can read my answer from the OP...


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