Hi Shelby....hope you are recovering well.
It seems that people have varying degrees of spirituality, and for some it's entirely missing. These ones appear to lack self-awareness, volition, and the capacity to value transcendental ideals. True spirituality is at the core of one's being, beyond the physical factors such as defective genetics, or a poor upbringing. Egos are the result of what we are exposed to after being born, and they become defects in the hardware and programming of the biological machine, but the core inner being is different, separate. It involves the consciousness operating the machine. Some have intuitive or clairvoyant perception that picks up consciousness waves, which are real energy, and this involves metaphysical factors.
So I think spirituality involves more than the kind of soul energy that merely keeps people alive. There is a higher spark of true sentience and self-awareness. It is the core of individualized consciousness, that permanent aspect of one’s being representing the true Self, which is ever evolving. Ecclesiastes 12:7 describes this spirit going back to the Creator, but since this is a real, individualized consciousness, an energy that cannot be extinguished but must somehow change states, what happens to it after it accumulates experiences and spiritual wisdom throughout life? What would be the purpose of life? The only logical conclusion to me, is that it survives physical death, and remains intact upon reincarnating to continue growing toward the fulfillment of its potential. It is the divine god-spark and the seat of freewill. Metaphysical science decribes it as the holographic fragment of the Creator residing at the very center of your being. It is the “I AM” that is you, the inner conscious observer that is even capable of observing its own self-observation!
Edited to add:
Yes farkel you nailed it