Instead of asking baited questions with loaded cultish language as a feebled attempt to witness, why don't your address your question to the subject of concern directly YoYoMamma?
What is Jehovah's Will Today?
by SexyTeen 55 Replies latest jw friends
It's not a baited question. It's a sincere question so I can understand what is Jehovah's will. I know what Witnesses teach, if it is not right, I want to know the right answer.
Hey Yo-yo,theres nothing sincere about your sorry ass.You are a decietful hypocrate...OUTLAW
Sure YoYoMamma, we know that you are COMPLETELY HONEST and SINCERE. Why don't you ask someone else who may care to pretend that they know "The Mind of God":
If nothing else, the literature should make you feel right at home, as this ministry claims to be 'Reaching the World with God's End-Time Message'.
How does your insults toward me help you and I find the truth?
I have many doubts about Witnesses, but I'm still interested in doing God's Will and gaining his favor.
I have a quick question: What is Jehovah's Will Today and who is doing it?
I have a quick answer: Everybody is to bow and worship Skeptic. go door to door offering autographed pictures of me, all proceeds to be sent to my address.
All are to have appropriate attire (see total nudity at all times).
You are all to give the holy act of sex its appropriate place in marriage, which is to only be between persons who are married. See the article, "Showing Love To Your [Married] Neighbours."
This is Jehovah's will for man today; what it will be tomorrow is anyone's guess, it is always changing!
YoYoMamma: Your last remark makes it painfully obvious of your true intentions here. I provided you with a website and extensive links to "help" you on your "spiritual journey" and all you can do is make another feebled attempt to villify me. You are not a sincere truthseeker at all. Your only intention is self-justification. Is this a thing with you society guys or what?
BTW, in regards to you and I finding "truth", just remember that some donkeys prefer to ignore the bright-shiny orange carrot dangling in front of their face.
Have you tried researching on your own thru the Internet?
Since you have access to this board, why not go to a search engine and do research?
Also, do you remember one of your first posts that you asked "If this forum is safe?"
A lot of us did tell you not to be deceiving and not to start attacking. Keep in mind that many here are xJWs that have suffered through a lot of deceptions and lies. They are not very tolerant of either (Lies and Deceptions).If you like, you can email me (my addy is in my profile).
Hey Yo-yo,I know the truth.The truth is your a decietful scumbag pretending to be a youg girl,preying on good hearted people.You don`t give a shit about truth.You talk about truth,but never speak the truth...OUTLAW
Utopian Reformist
How many teenagers write or sound like SEXYTEEN? Give it up. The jig is up.