What is Jehovah's Will Today?

by SexyTeen 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    I have a question.

    What is with all of this talk about Yoyomama? I have read every word in this thread, and I am confused.

    To Sexy Teen,
    Good luck with your personal search for the truth. A long time ago, I quit wondering what Jehovah wanted and focused on being a good neibor instead.

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Hmmm

    That's actually an excellent question for a JW to ask of their leaders... "What is Jehovah's will today?

    If they answer it, be aware that you'll have to check again tomorrow for New Light, and the next day, and the next day...


  • jayhawk1

    I am going on the assumption that Sexy Teen is not Yoyomama.

    Is this a light saber in my pocket or am I just happy to see you?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • ianao

    jayhawk1: YoYoMamma and SexyTeen were revealed by Simon earlier to be one and the same. SexyTeen is YoYoMamma trying to use reverse psychology and pretend to be a lost soul looking for answers that conveniently can only be answered by JWs. I personally suspect that YoYo is a plant from Bethel, or at least a witness with unusual ideas about counting time. Take a look at the members page under SexyTeen and read threads started by him and you will see what I mean. You will laugh your arse off!!

  • Intuit39

    A couple of people have offered what I consider to be a great answer to your sincere question:

    Ask him for yourself.

    Sit still and quiet your mind and listen to your heart.

    You might ponder something I like to think is part of the answer for me: Consider your blessings, then look around and find where you could be a blessing to others.

    Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for some of us raised with a dogmatic program to follow when we try to do something so simple. But, whatever the answer you find for yourself, the secret is then to do it, live it. And have fun!!


    Hey jayhawk1,Yo-yo mama never left the board.He decided to become a young teen age girl,sexy-teen.So when you talk to sexy teen you not talking to an innocent young girl.You are talking to a decietful old fart pretending to be a young girl...OUTLAW

  • SexyTeen

    Correction ianao, Simon only revealed that we use the same computer, not that we are the same person.

    Outlaw: If that were true, couldn't I just make up a new handle and re-register, and you wouldn't know who I am?

    Why must there always be a conspiracy behind everything?

  • ianao


    Thank you for that. Jayhawk, Simon revealed that the posted on the same computer. Sexy's advanced writing style reveals YoYO and Sexy as "one".

    BTW YoYo, It's a nice try with the "conspiracy" ploy. Reverse psychology doesn't work on me. The only conspiracy here is your continued attempts to deceive people with this ridiculous facade.


    Hey Yo-yo you didn`t re-register,because your stupid.You didn`t realise the good people on this board are sick of being lied to,and we`re good at rooting out bullshit and liars...OUTLAW

  • SexyTeen

    Sure, right, like that Danni case? lol...

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