How to win a religious argument

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    One of the greatest chess players who ever lived was Jose Raul Capablanca.

    His was a natural talent from age 4. He became world chess champion and had an undefeated record for 9 years before high blood pressure began affecting his game.

    Capablanca's great technique in the End Game was his greatest asset. He only needed the smallest advantage to win by force.

    Consequently, the great Cuban chessmaster would play simple temporizing moves provoking his opponent into over-reaching himself.


    He would force trades until all the major pieces were off the board. By then, his End Game technique brought about a foreordained conclusion: checkmate!

    While thousands of would-be chessplayers spent hundreds of hours studying Openings and middle game tactics Capablanca intuitively understood a highly effective universal standard of winning: YOUR OPPONENT CAN BE PROVOKED TO DEFEAT HIMSELF! You simply close the deal when it happens.

    Judge Rutherford, 2nd president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society used a similar style in creating a worldwide organization COMPETITIVE to Christendom itself! Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Rutherford would provoke opponents into creating weaknesses in their own position and then go for the kill!

    This was achieved largely by ridicule. Publishing provocative articles, insulting reputations, goading anger, resentment and vituperation, Rutherford

    made religious leaders over-react. Their vicious responses were over-the-top, unseemly and bullying. He goaded them into betraying their own peaceful standards of displying a Christ-like love and fruitage of the spirit. Then, he clenched the win by bludgeoning them with their own bible.

    Rutherford did the same in goading the Government to persecute his religion and create martyrs to the cause.

    Rutherford made Jehovah's Witnesses appear to be victims who were brave, noble and faithful in the face of vile and monstrous persecution.

    Indeed, by tarnishing the reputation of his enemies Rutherford WON THE BATTLE of holier than thou!

    The single principle of provoking the enemy into defeating himself has been a powerful tool in the arsenal of the Watchtower Society over the years.

    The Jehovah's Witness literature is filled with examples of how awful Christendom has behaved toward them. It holds others up to the highest possible standards and demonstrates the failures time and time again.

    But, when it comes to their OWN FAILURES in false prophecy, backtracking, flip-flopping and child molestation cases.....

    The Watchtower Society endeavors to control the argument by keeping their accusers off balance using the SAME WINNING PRINCIPLE.

    How is this done?

    1. Make the discussion about holding the opponent up to scrutiny

    2.Goad the opponent into over-reating by provoking them through ridicule, insult and multi-level attacks.

    3.Use the opponent's REACTION against them by portraying them as mean-spirited.

    4.Play the innocent victim and create a false dichotomy: attacking us is=attacking God.

    The Apostate community is never allowed to be an Objective questioner of fact. Consequently, the facts are never dealt with!

    The failures of the Watchtower Society become irrelevent because a seemingly GREATER issue of loyalty, community solidarity and peaceful worship

    is flipped into the central focus.

    This enrages the Apostates into insults, name-calling, bullying behavior out of frustration.

    THE GAME IS LOST at this point!

    Any reasonable, honest inquiry is erased by the finger-pointing and shouting which HOLDS APOSTATES up to ridicule instead of the Watchtower and its


    How do you win this religious argument?

    Recognize it for what it is: a winning tactic that has always worked!

    HOW YOU GO ABOUT IT is more important than any logical points that can be scored.

    The weak ones in the congregations, the lurkers, the fence-sitters are BYSTANDERS watching the drama unfold.

    When these people investigate what Apostate sites have to say: WHAT DO THEY SEE?


    2.Mean-spirited shouting

    3.Black and White thinking

    4.Emotional bullying

    5.Insults and provocation

    The Watchtower has won at this point.


    We have defeated our selves and played in to their winning strategy.

  • Terry
  • tec

    I think the insanity surrounding six-screens fits your bill here too, Terry.

  • Terry

    Divide and conquer is awfully easy. Especially when you have an opponent emotionally unhinged to begin with.

    If you divide those who are rallied against you and make them seem over-the-top and unbalanced, then, SIMPLY BY CONTRAST you appear

    calm, controlled and equable.

    I see this going on in Washington.

    Each side baits the other to react with some ridiculous self-defeating behavior or public statement. This is then used to hold the reactive person up to ridicule.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Interesting stuff, Terry. We currently have a self-righteous CO that seems to be his own worst enemy. I guess that's why they get rotated fairly often. I don't think headquarters realizes how much damage these guys do when they resort to bullying sheeples.

  • Terry

    Billy, how are you handling the "calling out" situation here?

  • Atlantis


    Thank you so very much for this information Terry! A fantastic read, and the examples you use are "dead-on" track.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Terry, What do you mean by "calling out"? Sorry, if I'm getting out-of-touch here...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Nicely put, Terry

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Terry, I love the way you challenge things. I am definately trying to take a leaf from your book.

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