We shall see.
July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard
by LostGeneration 138 Replies latest watchtower bible
That Ali pic is powerful.
Wow, as a teen trying to get out of the JW org this is a real eye opener. I want out just because I don't feel accepted or as if I have any friends and it just holds me back from what I want to do(college). But seeing stuff like this is making me question the validity of all of this.
I know at the recent CA the DO gave a talk and pretty much spent 30 minutes saying how the young people 25 and under are not stepping up for responsibilities and pioneer service. We only had I think 5 regular pioneers under the age of 25 in the circuit. I looked around at the whole circuit and there are very few young people, mostly a big hall full of older people. The young people in my cong. in the past 5 years who have turned 18 head for the door as soon as they can.
I thank all of you for your comments.
Aussie Oz
Isn't it interesting, that once upon a time in wonderland, many of us sat and nodded in agreement as the WT bashed apostates while giving no real actions of them...
and now to be on the other side of the fence realizing that what we agreed with was pure LIES!
It is all so clear now.
"If we stop actively supporting Jehovah's work, then we start following Satan. There is no middle ground."
From the 'simple' edition (p.16):
"If we stop preaching, we start following Satan. And if we are on Satan's side, we are against Jehovah. We all have to choose which side we are on."
This is an important thread. Especially for newer members on the board. Bumping this sucker to the top
life is to short
I had to stop going to the meetings because of the pedophiles in the hall, all the elders knew and now most of the publishers do also, but so far no one has done anything to me and most of the publishers do not know which side to take. This will be interesting when it comes out. One of the pedophiles moved another disappeared and the elders never tracked him down to which hall he went to and the third one the elders love bomb to death.
This will be very interesting as I was an elders wife who never missed a meeting at the time I suddenly stopped going.
From a post a few years back -
1 Peter 3: 14-15-16. Read all three verses to frame the context of vs. 15 " ...be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."
Hey, I'm no Fred Franz but this scripture seems pretty easy to understand. Peter starts this letter by reminding everyone of all the fantastic things that this new born faith was promising, the return of Christ, redemption for all, etc. The above verses make perfect sense...
v14-"A lot of people are going to ridicule you and your strange ideas, they may even persecute you. What should you do?? Don't fret, be calm and unafraid v15-YOU MUST HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING IN YOUR OWN HEART SO YOU CAN LISTEN TO THEIR QUESTIONS AND TRY TO EXPLAIN YOUR BELIEF, ALL IN A SPIRIT OF HUMILITY AND RESPECT. v16- If you have done this to the best of your ability and they still treat you badly, you will shame them by your reasoning in peace and good faith."
Obviously Peter was referring to hostile, adversarial opponents to the faith. People who made no bones about their opposition to the new belief. He was not talking about people who were just asking nice questions during a free home Bible study.
So, isn't it revealing that the WTS doctrines are so weak they have to counsel JWs to NOT EVEN LISTEN to those who question their faith. (I picture a five year old with his hands over his ears while he chants, 'blahblahblahblah'.) And if they write down their questions on a piece of paper and hand it to you then you must not even open it. Tear it up and throw it in the garbage.
Remember 1 Peter 3:15 the next time you answer to door on Saturday AM.
I agree with flipper, they are losing their hold on the R&F. The religion is now an old peoples religion. The young are too tech savvy to let some old men who have their heads up their asses tell them what's right and what's wrong.
The GB is on the mat and the countdown is on. The religion may last a while longer but they are going to have to continue downsizing.
Great thread
Many of the R&F are still in the tower but mother isn't fooling as many anymore.
Miseryloveselders said: the higher ups have noticed that the JW Apologists get ROASTED. I mean SLAUGHTERED,
Ya, but at least we respect their wishes and drain their blood after slaughtering them on here. Just to show respect for the on-line life we just took.