This series of articles truly comes as no surprise to me (or most people here, I'm sure). I was once the target of a witch hunt, and through that experience I have learned that yes, these articles WILL work for the majority. I do not believe that this series of articles is going to push people over the edge and unwittingly motivate them to start thinking for themselves. They're afraid of taking that red pill.
When the questions arise, they feel a lot like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, and not everyone is comfortable with that, so they immediately take the blue pill fix and stay in Wonderland.
How many times have we read an article in the WT and think, "Wow, now the people are REALLy going to leave?" But nope, those so deep in stay in. The ones who leave are the ones who would have left anyway due to some character trait they couldn't control. And on this note, unless I start seeing some real evidence to support the notion that the WT GB has ulterior designs other than being so fully indoctrinated themselves, I will believe otherwise. I truly believe that the GB is a group of sad man who have devoted everything to a cause that is not coming to fruition and constantly delude THEMSELVES and the people in their "care" to keep it going. They MUST think that they're God's people as Messiah Complex ridden as that is, because it's like the Illuminati and Freemason NWO conspiracies: If you KNEW that this was all just a scam and you were going to DIE at the end of your days with nothing afterwards, why not cash out NOW and enjoy what time you have left in this pitiful little existence most of us call life instead of thinking, "Well the Illuminati / Masons / WT Leaders 50 years from now will reap the benefits"? If the conspiracies are true, why wouldn't the GB members be like, "Ok, it's time, I'm going to Tahiti and spending the rest of my good days in REAL paradise," as opposed to stank Brooklyn, NY. Oh, right, because they "ENJOY" being celibate and controlling masses of people, blah blah. Please, with that kind of power and money they could raise an army and have more fun with a religion that celebrates depravity.
But no, I think they're just as gullible and deceived as the lot of them are. Just that they're the ones receiving crazy visions from a detached source.
Still, I'll have to agree that it is a dangerous cult, solely for the fact that those "born in" have no frikkin choice on the matters. Usually by the time they get the courage to wake up and leave, the best of their years have passed by and opportunities are missed (truly the reason most stay in). The whole blood issue, divorce thing, college thing, all that stuff the WT embeds can be harmful, unfortunately. This in turn breeds a type of personality that I believe would otherwise have not been developed in some cases.
All that said, though, the witch hunt trials will soon begin. Hmm.