MM - it makes me happy too!
July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard
by LostGeneration 138 Replies latest watchtower bible
charlie brown jr.
The next step will be people like us will be OUTED as Actual Demons!!!
Like the Demons they can not be seen but can be very powerful and Influential.
Like their Father in the Garden of Eden ...can ask questions that even the Perfect or Superfine Apostle can Stumble or actually Question or Leave Jehovah's Protection.
Like Demons they will Gang up on you if you defend Jehovah and will Molest you.
Would you Open your Home to Satan and his Demons?? Well if you visit an Apostate Site... You are allowing them into your house and Jehovah will not Protect you for Purposely Inviting them into your house.
Since these "Demons can't be seen.... who is to say perhaps Actual Demons or Satan himself comment on such sites? Satan spoke thru a Serpent.... How much easier for a Lying Spirit Creature to Post on an Apostate Site."
True Christians Beware the Time of this System is Very Short and Satan and his Demons know this also and will stop at nothing to Destroy Jehovah's True followers.
As it was Prophesied in the end MANY will fall away like the grains of sand on a Beach.
LMAO!! I was in WAY TO LONG to still be able to think the way they do...... and I like the sound of being a True Demon....of course who's going to be scared of a Demon called ...Charlie
It's just a matter of time before the WTS pulls out all the stops when they realize ....there is no stopping this Titanic we have's going DOWN!!! Anointed and GB members the lifeboats ..filled with the Money and lives of those who will Sink and Die with the Ship.
If your going to control people with fear and ignorance you better create a wall of protection around
the people you've lassoed........ Remember we are the only earthly organization that god uses to dispel his knowledge of himself and his
wonderfully purpose for mankind. If you leave the organization and get killed you can only blame yourself, the door to everlasting life in
paradise will be closed off from you because you rejected god's earthly arrangement..
Eggnog - you reading this Watchtower?
Is the 6 Screens picture for real? Or, am I being gullible?
Marking for later
Concluding para from the DFing article. I think this is the third time in the last year they have said something to the effect of "damn what is taking so long Jehovah?"
Faithful older members of the “great crowd” have served Jehovah for decades. (Rev. 7:9) Many never expected to grow old in this system of things. Still, they have not given in to discouragement. (Ps. 92:14) They realize that God’s word of promise is not a dead issue—it is alive, and Jehovah is working toward its fulfillment. Since God’s purpose is dear to his heart,we bring joy to him when we keep it uppermost in our minds. During this seventh day, Jehovah has been resting, secure in the knowledge that his purpose will be fulfilled and that, as a group, his people will support it. What about you? Have you personally entered into God’s rest?
The desperation is hilarious! I'm lovin' it!
Whoah! They really are fluffing out their feathers and squawking at top volume!