I like the reaction when you approach Witnesses who know you and they part for you like Moses crossing the Red Sea.....
re-enforcing the shunning of immediate family - WT 7-15-11
by undercover 172 Replies latest watchtower bible
Was New Boy
Today, Jehovah does not immediately execute those who violate his laws. (Though we wish he did) He lovingly gives them an opportunity to repent from their unrighteous works.(what a nice guy) How would Jehovah feel, (here it comes the big BUT) though, if the parents of an unrepentant wrongdoer(truly evil person deserving of death) kept putting Him to the test (little ant like people puting the god of the universe to the TEST) having unnecessary association with their disfellowshipped son or daughter?
So in OTHER WORDS if you truly love Jehovah.....you will have no contact with your children!
No matter how you spread it....lf it looks like shit and taste like shit....who knows maybe it could be.......
Shunning is going to be the WTS' downfall.
They will spin the "great falling away" to their advantage doctrinally, but the fact of the matter is, the internet and discussion forums like this one paint the big picture for everybody to see just what this practice has done and is doing to family bonds.
Anybody with half a brain and just a tiny piece of love in their heart will see the core evilness of this organization. They will begin to see this practice of shunning as nothing but a way to control people, keep them slaves to the borg, and the money machine oiled.
I have said before that I see nothing wrong with disfellowshipping someone, but shunning them is wrong and un-Christ like. It will be the root of their demise, imo.
Keep these sort of articles close at hand to send to authorities in places like France and Russia, where the Watchtower claims their organization is not extreme.
This is a key point.
Does anyone know French and/or Russian on this site? It would be interesting to see if the translations of this article carry the same "oomph" that the English version does.
I wouldn't put it past the WTS to tell its translation teams to tone down the message in magazines to be made available in certain "hot spots".
Shunning is going to be the WTS' downfall.
journey-on: When my family was recruited into the cult, part of the deception was not telling us the full story with shunning. My point is this: The new recruits don't actually know exactly how bad it is.
Here is how the elder who recruited our family into the cult explained it:
"The only people who are disfellowshipped are people who want to be disfellowshipped, and desire to have nothing to do with Jehovah's Witnesses. These people are unrepentant, gross sinners. Moreover, there is no such thing as getting automatically disfellowshipped."
Do you think he was telling us what needed to know? I don't.
Do you think he was telling us what needed to know? I don't.
LWT, of course, he wasn't. I had an opportunity to interject a little tidbit of real truth about JWs into a conversation this weekend with someone. She is Catholic and the subject of religion came up. I used to hold back from saying anything negative about the WTS (it was so ingrained into us that bringing reproach on "God's org" was a horrid thing to do). Now, I tell it like it is if there is an opportunity.
I told her that the Witnesses teach that everybody but them will die at the battle of Armageddon. However, if you ask this question to a JW, they will say, "well, we can't read the heart. Only God can do that. He will judge who survives and who doesn't, so, no, we do not teach that." I told her that they are lying. They DO teach that at the core of their faith. They teach that most all who survive will be Jehovah's Witnesses. Hopefully, she'll remember this when one of them knocks on her door. It felt good to tell the real truth.
life is to short
I was threatened with being DF'ed if I ever told anyone about all the pedophiles we have in the hall. I did not feel like a gross unrepentant sinner, I felt like I was worried about children being molested. But truly believe I was close to being DF'ed if I did not shut up so I quit going to the meetings.
Feel the love.
life is to short:
I was threatened with being DF'ed if I ever told anyone about all the pedophiles we have in the hall. I did not feel like a gross unrepentant sinner, I felt like I was worried about children being molested. But truly believe I was close to being DF'ed if I did not shut up so I quit going to the meetings.
Thank you for sharing your personal experience. Others have reported similar things. These stories highlight the recruitment deception pertaining to the topic of disfellowshipping/shunning. In many cases, the rank and file are not aware of how things work. Some elders may even believe that Holy Spirit directs the congregation.
But, if the cult recruiter had wanted to be truthful with my family, he would have told us the following:
"You can be disfellowshipped for ANYTHING that three local elders agree upon. Moreover, the rules can change at any time. It doesn't matter what is written in the Bible."
Very important thread. Bump to the top
Luo bou to
The marriage partner would render the marriage dues according to the law of the land and in due payment for all material benefits bestowed and accepted.
I find this part of JK's quote very disturbing. I remember reading it when my marriage was breaking up. I thought to myself then and still do "What a disgusting basis for a marriage"