WT disfellowshipping/shunning is extreme, unbiblical, unethical, cultic. Biblical discipline is lacking in true churches, but the Bible does not teach the WT destructive practice. We are to love God supremely, but God does not destroy the family unit (but cults do). The blood transfusion fiasco, child abuse cover-up, disfellowshipping, etc. are sufficient reason to pray that this religion is exposed with mass exodus. I would give my arm to see the day where it becomes as inconsequential as Christian Science has become (another cult).
re-enforcing the shunning of immediate family - WT 7-15-11
by undercover 172 Replies latest watchtower bible
I love this part:
After all, their son had a choice, and he chose to pursue his unchristian lifestyle rather than to continue to enjoy close association with his parents and other fellow believers.
Not 'rather than to continue to enjoy a spiritual relationship with Jehovah.'
I really hope JWs that read this will have their ears prick up at this sentence. It shows clearly what kind of pressure the WTBTS uses to control its members. Nothing related to your actual beliefs is as powerful a deterrent as the loss of family association, not even the threat of destruction at Armageddon. One is vague, ethereal, a promise from an ancient book; the other is real, tangible, flesh, blood, bone, and cradled within your heart. They know where your weak spot is, and they will rabbit punch it until kingdom come to achieve their ends.
But really what is happening here is that they are twisting the knife for the parents. They are attempting to convert the wavering uncertain mother and father into hate-filled cold-hearted statues who feel entirely justified in their treatment of their child, while simultaneously empowering them to feel spiritually virtuous, pious, Christ-like.
"Your son rejected YOU, not God! He can't really even love you at all! He HATES you! Reject him! God wants you to! You want God to love YOU don't you?? Save yourselves!! LET GOD KILL HIM!!"
Very, very clever. And very, very evil.
Luo bou to
JWGB said
The pompous speaker instructed the brothers that if possible they were to pass over any they new to be dis fellowshipped and not allow them to touch the emblems. Later I found out that other memorial celebration events received the same or similar instructions.
That happened to me when my son was a boy of about eleven years old. My son jokingly said "It really is the passover Dad It passed right over you " Love that boy 28 now and a Psychologist He is thankful that I got him out when I did Otherwise He says He would probably be stuck in the cult today like his mother still is
The marriage partner would render the marriage dues according to the law of the land and in due payment for all material benefits bestowed and accepted.
I find this part of JK's quote very disturbing. I remember reading it when my marriage was breaking up. I thought to myself then and still do "What a disgusting basis for a marriage"
I was likewise disgusted and disturbed by it, Luo. In fact, I started a thread on it.
Thanks, Invetigator74 for the research. Very much appreciated.
In the "hay- day" of the Watchtower growth, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, most people were new/converts,, mostly just dealing with relatives that were non-jws, never JWs. JWs wouldn't associate much with them, but there wasn't as much shunning in notable percentage levels during those times. Now the next JW (2nd)generation, though many are in a minimally active or inactive state. However, now the third generation seeing the ways of their (2nd generation) parents and their discontent or misery, the third generation are identifying their very aging grandparents dying with no financial package, etc. and suspecting what their own beginning to age parents and what they are up against. The internal picture of the JW generational image is so crazy, miserable, and depressing.
Time works against a cult. It proves itself to be no better than any other religion, yet becomes worse, in beating its own slaves in frustration of losing their control.
Yan Bibiyan
Sir82 says:
Does anyone know French and/or Russian on this site? It would be interesting to see if the translations of this article carry the same "oomph" that the English version does.
Sir, I speak Russian. The 7/15 Study edition is not available in Russian in PFD yet (only the Public). I will also keep an eye on the Bulgarian editions (the last PDF there is 6/15 Study) and will update the thread if/when they show up there.
I listened to the Russian 7/15 MP3 and it seems to be 1:1 with the English version. Only difference was the word "execute" was substituted with a softer "does not take the life away from" version.
Another extremely important thread that needs to bump to the top ! Especially for newer members. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Like Flipper said...
I wasn't disfellowshipped, just faded out. Does this apply to us too? Hope my mother doesn't fall for this BS.
This makes me feel bad for my family. I am grateful that they don't let this dictate the way they treat me but I know it must be hard on them. They must feel guilty at times spending time with me.