There is some sort of invisible chasm between action and inaction when it comes to making a right decision.
For instance, Voting. In America we don't really get much of a selection of who to vote for because the vetting is rigged
toward established power preselecting who will be allowed into the Good Ole boys club. If a Democrat screws up we rush to fill the slots
with Republicans. The Republicans botch things and who do we run to? More Democrats. That isn't a choice of any meaningful magnitude.
It is a rat race. I opt out.
But, in everyday situations things can be a bit clearer.
I was driving my family through the local Mall parking lot looking for a parking place when I spotted a young man and woman off to the side
of the Mall entrance having an altercation. The guy had the girl pinned to the wall and she was struggling to get free and leave. He was shouting at her
and manhandling her. Something inside me snapped. I stopped the car right in the middle of the road and put on the hazard lights and jumped out and ran over to them. I scolded the guy ferociously for not being a "Real Man" and manhandling a woman. It shamed him and he let her go.
Afterward, when I returned to the car I got scolded for how I went about doing what I did.
Only then did I see I had not thought things out very carefully.
I won't say that such actions are "instinctive" or even unhinged--but, in each of us there is a line that cannot be crossed before we "snap" in some way.
I've done things like this and I can't account for it. Pretty stupid in some ways, perhaps even dangerous...but, admittedly overpowering my reasoning at the time.
Go figure.
That young woman could have easily been a daughter of mine in an abusive realtionship. Whatever...
I just snapped, that's all I know....