Did you watch R rated movies when you were in it?

by ldrnomo 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • straightshooter

    I never watched a "R" rated movie when I was a jw.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    I did. Actually quite often. I only did because the other JW's that I hung around with always did. I always managed to feel bad about it, though, and never was really comfortable.

  • Dune

    My name was on the family Hollywood card as "Allowed to rent without restriction" so i rented "R" rated movies pretty early on. The first rated "R" movie i saw in theatres was "Slither", i remember being scared that a witness would see me.

  • EmptyInside

    I agree with Blondie. If a movie's story line appealed to me,I would see it,no matter what the rating.

    But,I personally can't watch movies full of blood and gore,and I still get spooked out by movies about poltergeists and such. So,I got my own standards.

    I know some Witnesses who won't watch PG-13 movies either. Of course,that's what they claim.

    And then,I know others who wait for R movies to come out on t.v. ,because they are more than likely edited.

  • Violia

    I have been told that many R rated movies try to get the R so adults will come see the movies. I read that may just throw in some language to get the R ratings as many adults did not take the Pg movies seriously. I have watched many very good pg's and R, and G 's too. I'll never forget the movie" ghost busters" and all the talk regarding it. It was a comedy with language thrown in. How anyone could have taken that seriously , I just don't' know.

  • whathehadas

    I've watched so many R rated movies over the past 6yrs than I can account for. 5 of them being while in the Borg. Before Netflix and Redbox, I had a monthly pass first from Blockbuster(now almost defuncted) and Hollywood(defuncted). I rented at least 2 movies every week for about a year and most(about 95%) were R. Now it doesn't matter even if it is NC-17 or MA, just as long as the story, acting, and production is good I will watch. By the way, I have kept virtually all Movie tickets that I have acquired over the past 10yrs and quite a few are R. Like a Idiot One time I showed some JWS friends that collection since we were discussing this topic of R movies. They never sayed anything more about it since they ASSUMED that I had stopped seeing them.

  • prophecor

    It was hard to view and or watch any entertainment. You know, we are to not love anything of the world. If anyone loves the things of the world, the love of the Father is not in him, thing? In fact, it's more of a problem for me now more than ever. I've been MIA for nearly 20 years. Yet, getting more and more conservative at every passing year.

  • designs

    I see Naked people....

  • used2beme

    wow empty inside...were we in the same congregation...I remember several conversations about PG-13 having questionable content. my favorite though was a mom that was irritated at me for letting her kids watch the disney princess and the frog movie while they were over playing with my son. "that's so demonic...I didn't buy that one" this from the person that was calling me wierd for not wanting to watch harry potter with their "ENTIRE" family.

    and yes I watched R rated movies, just not in the theater, I was told to set a good example as I was a Pioneer...I can only imagine with Netflix and blockbuster online and never going to a store how many watch what they want under the radar.

  • PublishingCult

    Mouthy: "I did all the Brothers????"

    You DID ALL the brothers?

    I just might have to reconsider the image I have of you, sweet granny

    When I was a kid, I watched R movies when I could and simply lived for a glimpse at boobies, lol.

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