no. wanted to but...
i know my JW teenagers have seen some shit that freaks me out though!
some of the titles they talk about having watched would not have got by me if i was still in the 'truth'.
by ldrnomo 49 Replies latest jw friends
no. wanted to but...
i know my JW teenagers have seen some shit that freaks me out though!
some of the titles they talk about having watched would not have got by me if i was still in the 'truth'.
Yes. As a born-in and a teenager at the time that was the only way I could see a women half naked. When I got married and had children we were both very careful. Now fading away at a rapid rate we both watch R rated movies. But we both do not like violence and the "F" word. I heard enough of that when I worked construction. Totally ADD
What a much of crap....of course over 50% or more do/did. Another "I'm different I'm sure god will understand if I do.... thing"
Funny story. There was this real self rightious elder who loved anything Scotish....well he really wanted to see "Brave Heart" but he couldn't see it because of it's "R" ratimg.
A couple of years after it came out I invited him over to see a special "PG" version of "Brave Heart" I told him it was the one the airlines would play.
Well he loved it....yes you guessed it...was the only verison they made the "R" one.
I remember one elder in my congregation telling me that he went to see "R" rated movies because his spirtuality was strong and could handle it and he used that strength to view the films so he could warn others on what to avoid. I should have asked him if he also viwed "X" films for the same reason.
I did, only to get the job done, though. Basically, i did the whole time that i was a jw, w a few clear yrs, in there, somewhere. Afterward, i felt lower than a piece of frog slime that was driven into the ground by a passing herd of rhino.
I was a good lil' JW boy and never watched R movies. I think the first time I watched one was one or two years before I left the borg... so I was 25 or 26 at the time. I remember going into the theater and thinking there'd be gratuitous sex and nudity on the screen. Isn't that what all R movies had? I was disappointed.
I watched them all the time. Woulda missed some of the best movies ever otherwise. Of course, I wouldn't talk about them except to a select few who also watched R rated movies. I also played M games too.
Like flipper and TheLoveDoctor, anything I had that was "questionable" was hidden from the ex. I remember when Twilight first came out, I went to see it with a "sister"...and I became interested in reading the books. I knew my ex wouldn't allow it. So I bought it and hid it and would read it when he wasn't home. Same thing with movies.
I once bought an aerobic bellydance workout DVD and he saw it and made me trash it because he said it was TOO EROTIC!! Good thing he never knew about my Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease video...
I heeded their advice and avoided the "R" movies and decided to only focus on the X and NC-17 movies.
Growing up a JW I did not. But as soon as I got out on my own I had a lot of movies to catch up on... and did! I remember one of my first rentals at that time being "Die Hard".