That's why God invented National Geographic.....
Did you watch R rated movies when you were in it?
by ldrnomo 49 Replies latest jw friends
I WANTED to watch R rated movies as a JW , but I was married 19 years to a self righteous JW wife who thought even watching the movie " Jaws" was a sin. She wouldn't let ANY R rated movies appear on our joint T.V. Ridiculous. Not until I got divorced in 1998 did I watch R rated movies. Actually, some R rated movies are cleaner and more suitable than some pg-13 movies ! I've watched R rated movies which have very little swearing, no sex, or violence- but is rated R due to the serious adult themes involved. I think Hollywood directors sometimes try to get an R rating just to get more attendance at the movies. Might be a marketing ploy somewhat. Now I own hundreds of R rated and PG -13 movies on VHS and DVD. Have a good collection
Remember Schindler's List, I think I was the only JW in the District who saw it.
Requiem for a Dream. Holy....
I remember out in service one day I somehow mentioned the movie "Rainman". I thought I was contributing to the conversation. One sister said: RAINMAN! that's rated "R". At the time I couldn't figure out why. I later realized they said the F word ONCE. That was the only reason it was rated "R".
I just gave a talk about 4 hours ago, came home and watched The Kings Speech.... Uh-Oh.
never understood the big fuzz about R-rated movied over in the US. Its not such a big deal here, just avoid gore or porn content. The rest is pretty much up to the conscience. Of course we also have those extreme ones, they frown upon anything "worldly".
oh, and "twilight" is also a big no no ...even though many young witnesses watch it regardless..
I watched all the time and hid them from the wife like flipper had. I have not made any decicions to imitate what i see on tv cause my brain works better than that.
I always watched horror and porn movies. Also thrillers. Yes, when I was a JW. I was a bad dubbie.
Over here in the UK the rating system is: U, PG, 12, 15 and 18.
If I remember correctly, Titanic was rated 12 and I know a lot of witnesses walked out of that one cos of the nude scene. But I've been to watch 15 and 18 rated movies with witnesses before.