Fanny? as in a fanny-pack? yep, your bottom.
Pissed- as in pissed off! really angry. To be really drunk you may be stoned (though that usually applies to drugs rather than drink), wasted, toasted, tipsy, buzzed, two sheets to the wind, you may want to 'tie one on and get loaded', smashed, drunk as a skunk, etc...
Randy- in the US it is just a name but in the UK it means horny? I remember a story of a guy who went to the UK and a woman could hardly say his name without turning red! (or maybe she was randy for him?)
Bloody- all I know is Supertramp sings it and in the Uk it is a bad word(?) bloody well right!
Fag?!! oh dear better not say that anywhere near a US school! not pc! (politically correct) a term not used much for a gay person. Of course you can hardly mention a cigarette without getting the same reaction as 'fag'. Other terms not allowed in school are -gay-fag-queer-homo and probably more. My grandmother was not happy when 'gay' meant something other 'happy and light'. The grandkids all snickered when she said she 'was so gay when...' Kids also are not allowed to use the word 'gay' to mean weird or even in a joking way, 'oh that is so gay!' even though it has nothing to do with the homosexual community in their minds.
in my neck of the woods we have -Bubblers- water/drinking fountain to the rest of you
Do you drink pop or soda?
Do the men in your area have to take a whizz? (this word tends older than the younger generation)
do you have outhouses, biffy, johns, or portapotties in your parks?
Aussies have a lot fun words! what do our friends down under have to say? A friend here from Oz sent me a whole list of word but I lost it when Simon switched something around in the pm's. I lauged so hard, wish I could retrieve that letter!