Download the July simpleton Wusstower from and read the articles on how to spot and treat apostates.
Now that you know what their rules are ............ don't break them and expect your mother, or any other cult members, to behave like reasonable people.
Your mother chose to raise her child in a religion that treats it's non-believing children badly. That was her choice, not your choice, and she has to deal with the consequences of her choice. Did she encourage you to get baptized? How old were you? If you were far too young to be signing such a lifelong contract, can you accuse her of not looking after your best interests? If she ever lied to you about a WT doctrine, or history, can you bring it up and act offended.
Make it clear to her that you do not want her calling the dogs out. Seeing as you have already spilt the beans, tell her that you just want to drift out without any trouble or DF/DA so that she isn't required by her church leaders to shun you in the future after you leave home. If she calls in the elders and they DF you, or coerce you indo DAing, that is her choice, not yours, and she will have to deal with the consequences of her choice.
You didn't ask to be born into this religion. You were just an innocent child with no notions of killer gods and demons that wasn't indoctrinated into you via your parents. Don't accept the blame for their poor choices.