Jesus returned in 1914
Jesus returned in 1968
Jesus returned in 1874
Which lie did I make up and which ones are the Watchtowers?
by jam 23 Replies latest jw friends
Jesus returned in 1914
Jesus returned in 1968
Jesus returned in 1874
Which lie did I make up and which ones are the Watchtowers?
I think it is worth saying that there are lies. But think about who is lying. It is often angry people and people who are very upset about how they were treated. They can throw something out there, and if others are just as angry or upset. It can take like that! Soon a false thought is fact, as no one took the time to research it. To note, that happens in society a lot too (... see Urban Legends). Anyway, I have also met people on here who were obviously suffering from serious mental illness. These people have said things, that seems wrong, but because the people listening wanted it to be real ... it spread like a wild fire. Soon what was once a rant of a mentally ill person, was now fact and something people wanted to protest Kingdom Halls about.
So yes, some lies, a lot of truth though. If it sounds too good to be true, probably isn't. Works in several parts of life.
Please list the lies of the apoststes..Can you name one..
At least one believes he's Jesus. A couple believe they personally are the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" There's Johnny the Bethelite...
But crackpots aside, generally no. In dialog with an active JW, an "Apostate" has nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying. Lying will confirm an active JW's suspicions and by extension validate the very belief system the "Apostate" disagrees with. The intelligent ones (at least) diffuse that land mine by making a fetish out of honesty.
Pathological liars, have you known any. His creditabitlty is
always questionable.. A person like that forget his lies
and then begain living in A fantasy world. The WT may not
be Pathological but here recently they are getting close.
They have forgot what they wrote in the past. Someone
mention, thier lies have become truths in JW land.