The Moody Bible Instititute wrote the Watchtower Society asking for a debate on the radio. Brooklyn sent them a list of 33 questions and stated that if they could not answer them, there was no use in debating. There was no answer from the Moody people.
1. Was Eden on earth or in Heaven?
2. Was Adam created mortal or immmortal?
3. If Adam had not sinned, would he ever had died?
4. If he had lived forever, would you have called it immortality?
5. On account of sin, he did die, so does not that prove he was mortal?
6. Is there a difference between eternal life and immortality?
7. Can a man live eternally and yet be mortal?
8. If Adam had not sinned and then brought death upon himself, where would he have spent endless life?
9. Would he have lived forever in the earthly paradise where he was placed, or would he later got to Heaven?
10. If Adam could not go to Heaven without dying and could not die without sinning, does not that prove that sin and death are a blessing to mankind?
11. Did Adam and his race lose an earthly home or heavenly?
12. If Jesus Christ came to restore to the race that which was lost through Adam's fall, what will be restored?
13. Was Adam a single individual or two in one?
14. If Adam was composed of two parts--soul and body--which part was the real Adam?
15. Which part was it that could think, feel, and understand and be responsible for its conduct?
16. Which part was it that sinned--soul or body?
17. If it was the body that sinned and was condemned, why is it said that souls have to be saved?
18. If it was the soul that sinned and was condemned, why did the innocent body have to suffer for it?
19. In Gen. 2:17, what part of Adam did God refer to when He said, "Thou shalt surely die!"?
20. What did the word "Thou" refer to in Gen.2:17?
21. If you say soul, then what does "Thou" refer to in Gen. 3:19?
22. How many different penalties were passed upon Adam?
23. Was one penalty passed against his soul and another against his body?
24. Then explain Ezekial 18:4 and Eccl. 9:5, 10.
25. Is the penalty mentioned at Gen.2:17 different from the one mentioned at Gen. 3:19?
26. If there was just one penalty, what was it?
27. Does the Bible say it was death or burning in endless life in Hell?
28. Suppose after the Adamic sin, no Savior came, where would the human race spend eternity?
29. Did Jesus really die on the cross?
30. Or was it just His body that died?
31. If Jesus had an immortal soul that did not die, and that immortal soul was Jesus, why not say that we are misinformed about Jesus dying for sinners, just the house he lived in died to save the house that men live in and the real Jesus did not die, and the real man is not saved?
32.When Jesus rasied Lazarus of Bethany from the dead, where did Lazarus come from?
33. If the real Lazarus had been in Heaven for four days, and then came back to live with his sisters again, can you explain why he never told them a word about his wonderful trip and what he saw up there?
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.