How many dubs will fit in a Volkswagon Beetle on Saturday morning field service?
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin, 1759
by Yadirf 28 Replies latest jw friends
How many dubs will fit in a Volkswagon Beetle on Saturday morning field service?
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin, 1759
Awesome, Frenchy!
I am printing out YOUR list as I find them much more intellectually satisfying than the Society's purported drivel!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden
"Paste and Post Friday"
Thank you, Englishman, puffsrule, and outnfree. I suppose we could make up a list that would run into the hundreds of questions about doctrines and practices of the Society. For someone with God on their side, they sure are afraid of a fight!
Faithful: You bring up a good point. Over and again we see posters like this do a hit and run. They don’t have the courage or conviction to stand their ground. They are good at attacking but have no defense.
Answers to 33 questions:
1. Was Eden on earth or in Heaven?
Find the angels with the flaming swords and we'll both know. (Gen. 3:24 )
2. Was Adam created mortal or immmortal?
Doesn't matter really; since God already knew what was gonna happen.
3. If Adam had not sinned, would he ever had died?
See above answer.
4. If he had lived forever, would you have called it immortality?
That seems to fit the definition.
5. On account of sin, he did die, so does not that prove he was mortal?
Adam lived 930 years, just shy of immortal. (Gen. 5:5)
6. Is there a difference between eternal life and immortality?
Time is relative, so not really.
7. Can a man live eternally and yet be mortal?
Sure. Angels are eternal. According to the WT: Jesus was an angel, yet was also mortal.
8. If Adam had not sinned and then brought death upon himself, where would he have spent endless life?
I would hope it was not on earth, since it would be overflowing with desendents before too long!
9. Would he have lived forever in the earthly paradise where he was placed, or would he later got to Heaven?
Ask God. My guess is God would scoop up a few now and then when earth started getting crowded.
10. If Adam could not go to Heaven without dying and could not die without sinning, does not that prove that sin and death are a blessing to mankind?
It's all part of "God's divine plan" so, it must be a blessing.
11. Did Adam and his race lose an earthly home or heavenly?
Find the angel with the flaming sword. He'd know!
12. If Jesus Christ came to restore to the race that which was lost through Adam's fall, what will be restored?
Acccording to the WT, Michael/Jesus created everything. Then everybody but Noah and his kin get wiped out. Seems like the original plan wasn't working so well. Then it's still not right so the guy who created the whole mess has to come down to fix it personally. Then He has to come again in 1914 in invisble form after deciding not to show up invisibly in 1874. And someday SOON He's gonna come again and REALLY fix things. Seems like it would have been easier to just do it right the first time; but what do I know?
13. Was Adam a single individual or two in one?
Two. Adam and Eve were clones. See Gen. 2:21
14. If Adam was composed of two parts--soul and body--which part was the real Adam?
If Jesus was the angel Michael which part was Michael?
15. Which part was it that could think, feel, and understand and be responsible for its conduct?
The part he got when he ate from the tree of knowledge, of course! (Gen. 3:5) Until then he didn't even know he was naked!
16. Which part was it that sinned--soul or body?
You mean to say that one part can sin while the other doesn't?
17. If it was the body that sinned and was condemned, why is it said that souls have to be saved?
So the Watchtower has a reason to exist?
18. If it was the soul that sinned and was condemned, why did the innocent body have to suffer for it?
If God knew Adam wasn't gonna listen, why make the damned tree in the first place? It wasn't like there wasn't anything else on the planet to eat.
19. In Gen. 2:17, what part of Adam did God refer to when He said, "Thou shalt surely die!"?
Adam didn't have any knowledge yet, so we really don't know!
20. What did the word "Thou" refer to in Gen.2:17?
It's a fancy word for "you". (I thought these guys were supposed to be bible experts.)
21. If you say soul, then what does "Thou" refer to in Gen. 3:19?
You again.
22. How many different penalties were passed upon Adam?
None. Eating fruit is not a disfellowshipping offense.
23. Was one penalty passed against his soul and another against his body?
No penalty.
24. Then explain Ezekial 18:4 and Eccl. 9:5, 10.
You wouldn't believe me anyway, I'm apostate.
25. Is the penalty mentioned at Gen.2:17 different from the one mentioned at Gen. 3:19?
Was there ever a JC hearing? Was Adam disfellowshipped and shunned?
26. If there was just one penalty, what was it?
See #23.
27. Does the Bible say it was death or burning in endless life in Hell?
See #23.
28. Suppose after the Adamic sin, no Savior came, where would the human race spend eternity?
Jesus had to come, He created the mess in the first place.
29. Did Jesus really die on the cross?
Yes, but Michael didn't.
30. Or was it just His body that died?
Just the body, the angel was doing fine.
31. If Jesus had an immortal soul that did not die, and that immortal soul was Jesus, why not say that we are misinformed about Jesus dying for sinners, just the house he lived in died to save the house that men live in and the real Jesus did not die, and the real man is not saved?
If Jesus was really Michael wasn't He immortal?
32.When Jesus rasied Lazarus of Bethany from the dead, where did Lazarus come from?
From the question, I must assume he came from Bethany!
33. If the real Lazarus had been in Heaven for four days, and then came back to live with his sisters again, can you explain why he never told them a word about his wonderful trip and what he saw up there?
Maybe it was a secret, like GB meetings.
Now, a dozen questions for the GB:
1) When did God sell the Great Pyramid to the devil?
2) Who do we thank for getting the demons out of aluminum?
3) When did God move heaven from the Pleides?
4) Where is it now?
5) Were the prophets mad when you sold their house?
6) Where will they live now?
7) Does the word "generation" give you nightmares?
8) If you really believed in 1975, then why did you spend so much time on reorganizing the organization that year?
9) What scripture says that blood and it's major parts are prohibited, but the parts of the parts (fractions) are not?
10) If God said, "Don't eat eggs."; could you separate the egg whites and yolks and eat them ?
11) Do the words, "They appointed themselves judges and were prone to condemn anyone who did not meet their self-righteous standards. Their superior attitude and exaggerated self-esteem generated a need to control other people." sound familiar? (WT 10/15/1995)
12) Give one example of where the concerns and well-being of rank-and-file witnesses was more important than the image of the organization.
"Ginny, wondering if Yadirf wears boxers or briefs . . . I bet Lilacs knows!"
Friday, hunny, your secret is safe with me I promise I will never tell. They can torture me, but I will take that with me to my grave
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
Thinker: Great list. I would like to see those things answered as well.
Lilacs: You seem so innocent to be knowing about boxer shorts!
Me innocent? bwahahahahahahahah
I like boxers, I like breifs, but it's what's inside that oh so sweet
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.