May you all have peace!
They're going to go back to their pre-1935 teaching where all should partake... which they will justify" by means of a "new understanding" to the affect that that it has only recently been revealed to them that all SHOULD partake... as all did in the first century and in the beginning of the organization... and that the reason for the delay in such "revelation" was so that the "little flock" could be gathered FIRST (with no one making any erroneous mistakes and thinking they are of that "fold" when they are not)... and THEN the "other sheep/great crowd" are gathered and allowed partake. They are going to say that the increase is "evidence" that full number of the "little flock" has indeed been filled and now it is the "great crowd" that are receiving "Jehovah's" blessing in a similar manner and being taken into the [New Covenant].
They will attempt to justify their decades of misleading people NOT to partake with the explanation that it was an "honest" mistake as holy spirit had not yet revealed it to the GB... but God knows who belongs to Him and so not partaking wasn't a big deal.
They will conclude with something to the affect that, "While we now understand that all should partake, this in no way changes the HOPE of such ones. The 'little flock' of 144,000 partake with a view to resurrection and eternal life with Christ in heaven, while the 'great crowd' partake with a view resurrection and eternal life on earth."
Yes, it's gonna cause huge problems, particularly for those whose loved ones died without partaking, those who wanted to partake all along but were talked out of it... and the greatest group: those who place a whole LOT of superstitious "fear" around partaking because of the WTBTS' false indoctrination regarding eating and drinking "unworthily."
Personally, I can't wait to see them try and get out of this corner they've painted themselves into.
I bid you all peace!
A slave of Christ,
SA, aka a "delusional nutjob", according to some people...