If GB2 is saying that some may be mentally ill, doesn't that call into question their mental status?? or some of them?? I think I would be careful of what is being said - pot calling the kettle black.. after all, they are all "new" to the position up there and some just came in a few years ago, who is to say what pecularities they are imparting to the writing committee??
Anyway - not just anyone is supposed to partake - the elders should know their flock-- I personally have seen one's partake but was told they were not counted as there were issues - now if all elders are doing the same, it seems like only those in the congregation, known to be "spiritual" would be the ones partaking.... but the number keeps rising.. the talk on apostates yesterday said that the ones who were apostate were among "us" and were divisive in nature -drawing unspecting ones away..however, then the talk switched to those who wanted to be elders - what was their conviction? were they prideful? Intent on causing division-- hence apostate??? Little off topic but it all fell together in the apostate talk..