Cult Free Radio on USTREAM

by leavingwt 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman

    I'd love to listen, but Saturday night at 10:00 isn't a time I'm going to be in front of my computer. It would be great to podcast it thru iTunes for later listening. I'm a salesman and sometimes drive as much as 300 miles in a day, so my iPod is an indispensible tool and I have lots of time for listening to podcasts.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I have had several requests for podcast.

    If the recording comes out well and the show turns out to be pretty good, I'll try to set up the archived shows as podcasts.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I hate tooting my own horn but:


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I promised myself I wouldn't pimp my own show too much but I just did an intro message that's around 11 minutes long. If you go to the webpage before I'm actually live on the air you will hear both the brief intro to the show and the longer in-depth intro. The current ad that's running is Jennifer Lopez selling a leg razor, so the show's got that going for it! Check it out!

  • leavingwt
  • zoiks

    Good show, I am really enjoying it.

    MS, thanks for the hard work and effort involved.

  • kurtbethel

    Wacky fun!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    My first post in a month, MS:



  • Gayle

    Very good MadSweeney,,I think it a good start and look forward to more. Totally understandable, all the tech adjustments to work this. On the chat part, I (few times) would get 'timed-out' a few minutes after I typed on the chat part. Could have been me doing something wrong, I am the worst for tech stuff.

    Just an idea, about the video part. I understand you can't because probably most here are still anonymous. But I like this video site by ExMormons:

    I think it is very much like some ex-JWs. Note the ones in the video show to be very upbeat and happy to be ex-Mormons. I hope some day soon there could be one about ex-JWs. Well, maybe an audio one on your site may be possible?

    Thank you again for all your work. I am so thrilled all the Internet sites going up, DVDs now or in process and the many books coming out written by ex-JWs and their lives there.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2


    I had that time out problem too. If you remember when Sweeney was asking me to type something in the chat line, I couldn't, I had actually been logged out completely. Another time, just as I was trying to connect, a video commercial moved over the access box and played for 15 seconds. And then, like you, several times when I was trying to get Mad a message, I'd get a gray chat box and a timer that said 15 seconds, 10 seconds, etc. It was very disconcerting right at the time he and I were trying to connect.


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