Earthquakes Earthquakes and more Earthquakes

by sizemik 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    It's kinda pissed all over a lot of people's Christmas . . .

  • tec

    Wow. Glad you're okay. Stay safe, Size.

  • steve2

    Just heard sizemilk. We're thinking of you aswe sit tentatively in the Wellington region! Hope it does not knock the wind out of your end of year break. The witnesses must be really wired about the nearness of the end in Christchurch! Warmly, steve.

  • talesin

    Glad you're safe, Chris! Power outages can be a pain, we get them here with the hurricanes, etc. But a volcanoe, whoa!

    Will check in tomorrow, hoping all is well with everyone.




  • Qcmbr

    Glad you're ok - just read about the earthquakes on BBC news and came straight here to check you were fine.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    But a volcanoe, whoa!

    It's only a little one, Tal. Offshore. It's never killed anyone that wasn't on it. Good fishing there, but the acid mist in the morning stings your eyes and eats your reels. 'Tis not a problem like having a major fault line under your city.

  • finallysomepride


    how's things going today (Saturday)?

    thinking of you all there in Christchurch

    Kevin FSP

  • ziddina
    "Our local supermarket has unrestrained wine bottles for miles . . . I watched the security camera footage care of my wife, and about 600 bottles of wine exploded on the floor almost simultaneously . . . two people slipped in the "wash" of liquid . . . both ended up severely cut on the bottle bases . . . one received over 40 stitches. The bottles have been replaced and are still unrestrained. ..." Sizemik

    [face/palm slap...]

    I was going to say....

    People back in the 1600's to the late 1800's often didn't examine their city-sites with any real understanding of the underlying geology. As a result, a number of well-established, major cities around the world have been positioned in geologically hazardous locations...

    However, when it was discovered that a city WAS located in an area of high seismic activity, there ARE things that can be done to reduce the level of danger...

    Just out of curiosity, how many stores in the area have had the wisdom and foresight to install bottle restraint systems for ALL their glass bottles???

  • Berengaria

    Thinking of you Size

  • poopsiecakes

    Sizey..are you ok, luv?

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