Pinch me. Am I Dreaming?

by headisspinning 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    I can't even believe what's happened. I'm really in shock.

    Without any warning I got an email from my son yesterday afternoon. He's 14:

    "Ive been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I have decided I no longer want to be a Jehovah's Witness. I know this is coming as a shock to you, but I realized I have never really believed it. Please don't feel like it is somehow your or Dad's fault. I'm just making my own choice. I understand the consequences of what I'm doing, but my mind is made up.
    I have not told Dad yet and I honestly don't know how, but I anticipate that things are going to get very... Bad. Please don't mention anything about this to him unless I say it is ok. If I need to, could I stay with you for a while?"

    He has the day off school today so I'm going to pick him up so we can talk and I can find out where this is coming from. I already talked to my sister and she has offered for him to stay with her if it comes to it since she doesn't want me getting blamed for this. This is all just as much a shock to me as it will be to anyone.

    So far, I have just assured him that he has our love and support no matter what and that I have always wanted him to have the freedom to decide for himself. I told him not to worry and that we would get through this together and we will talk about how to deal with the situation with his father.

  • donny

    Good for him!!! I think it's great when folks "wake up" while still in their youth. I wish you good luck in your future relationship with him. I sure wish my son would see the light as I miss being close to him.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Things seem to really be coming together for you HIS. Thats good news.

    A little suggestion from my own experience:

    I always told my children:

    "Your mum will say that everything is my fault, and of course, I will think that it is hers. All of that is normal.

    The one thing that is certain is: we could no longer go on living together, because we were too different."

    That way, I avoided entering into a war in the childrens minds. I believe they appreciated that.

  • headisspinning

    That's a very good point JLP - thanks. I will keep that in mind.

    I feel like more than my head is spinning these days - more like my whole world!

  • yknot


    That is great news!!!!!

    I am so glad he reached out to you!!!

    Remember when you talk to him to tell him how the "Pew Report" reported that 63% of born/raised JWs leave (as in officially declaring themselves 'no longer a JW') he is perfectly normal in not really believing!

    He is so lucky to have you as a Mom!!!

    Be proud of his willingness to take risks to be himself and live in honesty!!!

    Huggles !!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    How awesome!

  • tec

    *Happy Dances for you*

  • jeckle

    Great Julia its about( or should I say aboot)time something went your way I hope it keeps getting better for you.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That is great news. But he is right. Things are going to get "bad" for him. Be prepared to help him to face the super-aggressive coersion he is going to be subjected to. You know how ruthless the Borg can be.

    Good luck!


    Thats fantastic news for him - he is so lucky to be just 14 - he has time to get out before they screw up what precious little youth he has left

    I think whilst the sister idea does seem like a food idea on one hand - the fact that it's YOUR sister means you're probbaly NOT gettign off the hook for this - remember BLAME (along with fear) is what dubs feed on you may as well just let him stay with you.

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