so my last meeting was in December 2010. I was attending the English and Spanish halls for a year and just english for 6 yrs..... lots of meetings. I had only two friends at the hall and no boyfriend/husband. I live in a town where I know no one, no family and when I became a witness I left the one job (air force) where I had people who cared about me..... now Im alllllll alone! this sucks.
Not only am I alone but I have no way to worship God now.... I feel like I still have a spiritual need that is not being filled. Some nondenominational church came by my house and put a flyer on my door to come fellowship with them tommorrow, Im thinking about going....
Im so fustrated with the whole WBTS being a big lie, and with my life now, im thinking about going back to the meetings again.... just so I can worship God the best way I know how...... now that I know the whole thing is all made up, i dont have to become enslaved again like before, I can just come and go as I please.... what do you think???
kingdom hall withdrawals