Ok I left the WBTS..... now what?? kingdom hall withdrawal

by sister x 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    sister x - Old habits die hard. You're going through a breakdown of sorts. It will take a while to establish a new normal. I feel your pain.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Sister X... again, peace to you!

    I have been directed by my Lord to share a truth with you, that many overlook as to how many must be "gathered" in order for him to be present. It is true that he is recorded to have said, "Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am also." However, in his saying this, he did NOT mean it to be restrictive limitation so that at least two HAD to be gathered. He is also present where there is only one. He said I am to remind you of John, alone on the Isle of Patmos... and that not onky was that one given the entire Revelation by my Lord himself appeared to him.

    The Most Holy One of Israel dwells in His people, dear one. PEOPLE are the temple of God, the "house" that His Son is building so as to be occupied by God. Sometimes, though, those "stones" are "scattered." Often by the "wolf"... which is the case for many here, although they don't necessarily know this truth.

    Keep seeking the kingdom, dear one. Do not worry about WHO you seek it WITH - if and when he chooses, Christ will draw people to you... and you to them. Because the "building" is still going on.

    I hope this helps and, again, bid you peace!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hi SisterX,

    I have spoken to many people who have left the JWs over the last few years and I'd say a majority of these people go through something like you are going through now.

    It's very natural to have those kind of feelings.

    You have received some good advice here, and most of it has a common denominator - start doing new things to fill the void. As has been mentioned the possibilities are endless - from simply reading some good books, to getting heavily involved in community activities.

    Suffice to say - you will find your way eventually and you will find true happiness eventually if you keep moving forward. Drifting back, or trying to stay in for too long, knowing what you know about the true nature of the entire movement will eventually where you down.

    Speaking from experience as an elder who continued to serve in that capacity for a few years after I discovered the entire thing was a sham - it can be challenging. My desire to help others achieve their awakening was the only thing that kept me going, and it became a great focus and source of energy for me. However, now that I have been able to fully extract myself from the group - it has been nothing short of remarkable how my life has improved.

    Unless you are going back to free someone else's mind, and you feel it is the only way it can be done, then I would encourage you to continue staying away from the KH and to move on with your life. It is a wonderful world outside of the JW prison, you just need to persevere and continue to move forward.

    Peace to you!

    The Oracle

  • jeckle

    Welcome and iI too have been trying to get too a no denom church just been trying to get caught up too. I think i felt similar . i very ,much still love the bible and still read it whenever i can i watch some telavangelist to i'm picky tho hang in there . gotta go sorry will post more later

  • designs

    Get out in Nature, find a path and take along a copy of Thoreau, Henry David explains all....

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    "Lord, where are we to go away TO? YOU have sayings of everlasting life."
    What does this mean? It means, dear one... that there IS no "where" to go away to worship God, to even get to approach or know Him. There is only a WHOM to GO to... and go THROUGH: Christ. And that is a very personal, individual, and sometimes solitary journey. As it was with virtually all who followed Christ, starting with Abel. Yet, such one is NEVER alone. For as Christ is recorded to have said:

    "Look! I am WITH YOU... ALL the days..."

    Thanks you for sharing that xxxx It is exactly how I feel at the moment.

  • LV101

    GREAT INFO here from all.

    AGuest --- appreciate your comforting scriptures/interpretations.


  • jam

    Sister x I fell your pain, realizing all you have been taught or most

    of what you have been taught is A lie. It,s not easy to get on with

    life, but you have hundreds or thousands that have moved on, here.

    For me , I compare the devastating effect of discovering this too,

    if someone came to me and told me my Mother, Father and all

    your brothers and sister are not your blood family, you were

    adopted at birth.

  • FrankWTower

    sister x,

    Read a book on critical thinking. It will change your life. You won't have the need to go back to the meetings. There are several choices on amazon.com.

    Leaving after so many years will cause a social void in your life. That's very dificult to endure. You just have to find another community to belong to. Are you unable to return to the airforce?

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