@ blacksheep.....No, i dont know of any clubs....... I guess I could try to find some. I have been staying at work longer to burn up the time, going to the gym, reading books ect.
Ok I left the WBTS..... now what?? kingdom hall withdrawal
by sister x 48 Replies latest jw friends
First off there are many places to go and fellowship and worship God, heck you can even worship God taking a hike, sitting qietly in a park, whatever.... God doesn't live in a building you know. I understand you are missing the people in general. The military gave you comaraderie and in a weird way the jw's did the same. You were part of a group, a shared mission. You can go to any church and once again feel part of the group if it is the social aspect you are missing. You could join a small Bible study where they actually use the Bible! Just going to a church or trying out several does mean you must join them, just check them out. Going to a church Bible study (or service for that matter) does not mean you must agree with them 100% that is how the jw's work not most churches, they allow freedom of thought.
If you are missing the social life have you considered volunteering? You know full well how the Vets in military hospitals/rehabs would love a visit! or if you have a love for the elderly go to a nursing home there are always lonely people there that would love to see a smiling face! or join a book club, dance, help a food pantry, whatever you have an interest and heart for. You will meet like minded people and make some new friends.
It doesn't sound like your time in the hall was all that enjoyable. You said you only had 2 friends and none outside the kh either? you excluded worldlies due to the jw's view of us?
Black Sheep
I don't know about your gym, but the one I used to go to used to get involved in events around the country.
In my town of a few thousand people there are quite a few clubs to choose from. Gardening, fitness, hunting, fishing, sports, photography, foodie. Workshops are held for various skills.
The local pubs are the best places for finding out what is happening in the town. There is always someone needing a hand .... or offering one.
Hi Sister X- I suggest you read books on the bible and philosophy and science. That should help with the God shaped hole (as I call it) when you leave. Have you read The God Delusion? The only trouble with another religion is you might just end up in the same situation again.
The lonelyness is another matter. Of course you need to make more new friends. I wish I could advise on that, but I have to admit (at the risk of sounding sad) I haven't found it that easy. A new job might do it, find a club or interest/hobby group in something you like (such as art, tennis, swimming, yoga, gardening, etc) Perhaps take up a course in something at a local college or university. There is internet dating, but I think most the people on that are fake (at least among the women, but presumably the same with men). Then there is just going to a night club and picking people up, but that isn't something I've found very good. You might think that crass- but regardless it is an option.
Hope that is some help. I'm sure we all here empathise with you, maybe meet up with some here if they are local.
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I like the ideas suggested here. Taking it slow, attending Seventh Day Adventist and "working backwards", lol. Reading portions of the bible in context to re-ground your beliefs. Finding a local club...
My gym has group classes, including Zumba, which I love. Once in a while there will be a group Zumba class in the neighbourhood to raise for charity. The gym ladies seem very nice.
If you do the Seventh Day Adventist route, remember their services are on Saturday (concern with "accuracy" and avoiding pagan influences and all that).
Some structure for reading the bible:
I cant stay home every sunday and not worship God
Learn to golf, go hiking, nurse a hangeover, put the finishing touches on a weekend bender, get some work done around the house, sleep in for a change....
I guess im so use to that KH regimen that now I have so much free time on my hands....
Learn the fine art of jilling if you want something to do with your hands. You'll thank me later.
I just miss the talks, insight on the scriptures and personal study I use to do. Now I dont have anything..... I noticed my weekends consist of researching other faiths, being on websites like jwn forum and others....... not really anything positive and spiritual.
Take a class, go to art galleries, go to a poetry reading. there are many ways to fill the need to be part of a deep emotional community larger than yourself without going to church.
I'm going to the hall with a FREE mind, for the sake of the family.
I also realizee, that when my children are adults: my family will have a TEST!
Hi Sister X,
Welcome, and thanks for posting!
I'm glad you left the WBTS.
I have sent you a PM, so please check your private mail.
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