Did you beleive you were A intellectual when you were a JW

by jam 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    I am embarrass to say when I was A JW and A elder I

    thought I could sit down and speak on any subject with

    anyone intelligently. I felt the schooling of the WT had

    equip me with a clear perception of truth on any subject.

    Yes the school of the WT and it,s academic degree has

    set me back to middle school.

  • Jadeen

    Well, I was raised in and you know that teenagers know everything!

    I'm going back to school and it seems the more I learn, the more I realize just how much I don't know- and that's a lot.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Not an intellectual per se... but I thought I knew a lot about a lot, if that makes any sense. Mostly, I'm just a member of the Keepers of Odd Knowledge Society (KOOKS lol). I know facts about a lot of shit that doesn't matter...a lot of meaningless trivia. I'm really fun at parties...

  • jam

    Jadeen; I realize ,the more I learn the dummer I got..

  • mythreesons

    I'm in the same boat....the more I learn and take in. The more I realize I must have looked and sounded like an idiot! LOL Witness motto..."you may not have heard of me....but I'm kind of a big deal!" (Ron Burgundy's voice)

    It's so sad that I actually used to think everyone else was misinformed and not using their brains.

  • serenitynow!

    Yeah, I thought I knew the bible. I also thought I knew what other religions taught. It took me leaving to recognize how dumb I was.

  • Lozhasleft

    I was already well educated when I went into it ...which makes me feel more stupid...

    Loz x

  • jam

    lozhasleft; That,s funny.

  • d

    Not reall it felt wrong even when I was young. Now I am studying all religions.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I thought I was smart. I mean I was only 1 of the 6,000,000 that knew the truth! I thought I knew everything about the Bible and why other religions were wrong... Ug

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