Morever, I'm not sure it's realized how bad of a contradiction this creates with legitmate criticisms of the NWT. If it has in fact been cobbled together entirely from the lexical works of non-JW scholars and not actually translated from the critical texts at all, then claims of "mistranslation" evaporate into thin air. It's only by showing that a rendering you may have a problem with in the NWT does not have any support at all from Greek scholars that the charge of "Mistranslation" can be made. In other words, since mistranslation is by nature a failed or falsified attempt at translation, you have to at least have the latter before you can have the former.
This is a precise and valid criticism worth making. On the face of it.
But, in another way of looking at it maybe not so much.
What is the NWT REPRESENTING is the real question?
If the T in NWT stands for TRANSLATION then that is exactly ...what the intention is as to our perception.
If what is really going on behind the scenes (hence the refusal to name the translators involved) is NOT translation the result is FRAUD.
If you name translators and identify them as specific persons with NO CREDENTIALS it would immediately disprove the claim of "TRANSLATION."
So, the chips fall where they may here and I think the pot is a loser.
Can we make such a claim based on previous examples?
Russell could not read or write Greek as demonstrated in court. Yet, he called himself PASTOR which is a title nominally associated with CREDENTIALS from a Seminary.
Franz could not translate under oath what would have been a simple process of English into Hebrew. He was nominated for consideration as a Rhodes Scholar, we are told. This implies intelligence of a high order. Yet, Franz did NOT go for the tests and refused the nomination. His various works on chronologies indicates more of a crackpot intelligence than an academically validated one.
The pattern demonstrates a double speak in these matters.
I would assert the pattern of behavior in hiding complicity in various doctrinal frauds goes a long way toward explaining anonymity of the NWT translators.