How evangelicals and Witnesses are alike

by jgnat 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    I celebrate your generosity of spirit, Guest with Questions. Obviously I am of the same mind. Our pastor, as well, has vision for beyond our doors and meets people where they live.

    I have managed to shock evangelists first of all that I married a Witness and second, that I will attend their services on occassion. One woman was convinced that she could be demon-possessed if she darkened their door. She had decided to witness directly at a Kingdom Hall one day, and couldn't get her car door open. She finally drove away, convinced that the Holy Spirit had saved her. I was of the private opinion that the Holy Spirit had saved that Kingdom Hall from some unwelcome attention.

    This thread was a direct result of an insensitive evangelist (godrulz) who sees himself at the vanguard of a great army (or perhaps a small team here on JWN) to save the "lost". His crass approach brought to mind the prejudices that can keep people apart - away from true dialogue - because they cannot see their commonality. More foolish us.

  • GLTirebiter
    To an evangelical/pentecostal, it would come across as depressingly sterile.

    To me as a non-practicing Catholic (at the time), it came across as depressingly sterile and boring. I think it's safe to say that most people, of any religious persuasion, would find it depressingly sterile. There is no worship as such. The songs (don't call them hymns!) are trite ans self-serving. The talks are like the slacker in a high school speech class: somebody going through the motions and following the required format, because they have to. No fire, no soul, just words following an outline and filling the allotted time.

  • jgnat

    Good to know, Tirebiter. Now that I have attended a few Catholic weddings and funerals, I'd say the Church is rich with scent, sound, and imagery. I think Protestants lost something when they stripped their places of worship of ornamentation.

    When I describe the Kingdom Hall, I contrast the reality from the imagination of say, an extreme evangelist, who is hoping for a whiff of brimstone. Such ones I imagine, live in a world filled with demons and angels.

  • myelaine

    ~I am more orthodox than you are. Stop trying to shove me in to your little slots.~Janet/jgnat

    ~You know, godrulz, every time a pioneer collars me they try and pigeonhole me, too.~Janet/jgnat

    ...says le artiste with le wide brush...

  • jgnat

    I'm wondering if your example is fair, myelaine.

    I am convinced that godrulz wants to classify me so that he can prepare his canned response. There is also his critical concern if I am "saved" or not, and if I might be under the inflluence of the evil one. I'd rather he approach me as a fellow human being, and not dismiss me simply because of the slot he's put me in.

    Now, it's true that I've resorted to some broad characterizations to make the above comparison. Guest with Questions has convincingly demonstrated that not all evangelicals think this way. But the above list is some of the prejudices I had to overcome, as I got to know my Witness husband. As I've worked out over the years what is wrong with his beliefs, I have had to challenge my own. During that deep analysis I had to admit where we were the same. And let go of the unreasonable fears. I believe this puts me in a better position to have a genuine conversation with a Witness, not burdened with the responsibility to prove doctrine over heart.

  • myelaine

    dear Janet...

    I'm not really accepting your vague reason for this thread.

    you asked others to give more examples of "How evangelicals and Witnesses are alike"...which doesn't jive with your statement, "I have had to challenge my own. During that deep analysis I had to admit where we were the same."...

    you said NOTHING to indicate that this thread was intended as some sort of "challenge your own analysis" session...

    "I'd rather he approach me as a fellow human being, and not dismiss me simply because of the slot he's put me in."...he might feel the same way at this point.

    love michelle

  • godrulz

    5. JWs will not come to my church, but I have gone to KH, Conventions, etc. freely with encouragement from my leadership. Truth does not run from error and believers are free, not slaves. Don't confuse controlling cults with Christianity.

    8. Christian charity is unsurpassed and renowned. JWs do little for the community. The statement is true of JWs, but not fair of many or most churches.

    JWs do not exalt Jesus as God (true statement) and deny the personality of the Holy Spirit (true statement). This is why there services are dead as door nails. They have religion, but lack relationship with God. I sense demonic oppression in JW and Mormon churches, but know and value the palpable presence of God in biblical churches (it is not arrogant to say that there are biblical and unbiblical groups).

    Evangelicals also cover a broad spectrum of beliefs and practices, so are not as easy to stereotype as JWs (some evangelicals deny hell in favor of annihilation, etc.).

    JWs and Pharisees (similar) are not wrong about everything. Belief in one God and the Bible is correct (Catholics fit the bill also). It is the many extra/contrabiblical beliefs and practices that are the issue.

  • WontLeave

    believers are free, not slaves. Don't confuse controlling cults with Christianity.

    So glad you Trinitarians don't have to resort to cult tactics like this:

  • godrulz

    These trinitarians were acting contrary to Scripture and their founder. It is an ad hominem argument since the vast majority of trinitarians condemn these things. One can also believe in the trinity/Catholic church and not be saved and not have a relationship with Christ. If a JW is a pedophile, that is not proof that their doctrine is wrong. They are living contrary to their truth, not consistent with it. The issue is beliefs, not how sinful people live contrary to them (there are many so-called Christians that are nominal and unregenerate despite some mental assent to orthodoxy).

  • WontLeave

    The difference is, this is how the Trinity was established as accepted doctrine. Your refusal to accept this fact in light of historical evidence doesn't change that reality. The pictures I cited are pertient to this matter and not "ad hominem". You sure you know what that means?

    The formulation 'one God in three persons' was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. - The New Catholic Encyclopedia 1967

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