There are better exegetes/commentators than me, but veerrryyy funnny. Are we all hear to learn from each other (test our beliefs under scrutiny and change when necessary) or are we here to mock? We can all give our opinion on Scripture, but I trust it is an informed one.
Gen. 1:1 I believe it at face value, as well as Jn. 1:1; Jn. 3:16; Genesis to Revelation (but it must be correctly translated/interpreted). I am not infallible, right about many things, wrong about other things. I am dogmatic about things that are clear and vital in Scripture: existence of God, person and work of Jesus, salvation by grace through faith, etc. I have not solved all eschatological (end time) mysteries, but have an informed opinion about that to. We all do theology, but some do it well, and others do it poorly.