Please provide me with a citation that proves a court held she did not have informed consent. If true, a guardian should have been appointed. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but many things make no sense. It could be that I've only seen small portions of the matter. If she lost informed consent, the courts would allow proceedings against the WT.
Others have posted that arsenic is used for palliative cancer treatment. I assume it alleviates suffering in some way. Also, for damages to ensure, one would have to prove direct causation. Her death is the direct result of the actions of the WT. This is hard to prove when someone has a terminal illness that is the direct cause of death.
Why can't an abstract be placed online? There is certainly interest. No buzz words. Just facts. Legal theory. What the law actually is in Canada. No version I've read makes sense. If it were my daughter, I don't know if I could do it.
Someday, maybe her favorite charity, other than the Witnesses, can be supported. Perhaps you could donate copies of her favorite nonWitness book to a library. I would be beyond angry and beyond rage were it my daughter. Seems to me that a pr campaign against overreaching by the Witnesses. TV interviews, magazine articles about cults. The blood doctrine cannot be attacked b/c of the First Amendment. The way they overreach with the cards, brothers checking in, etc. separation from nonJW family. People should hear this. It is symbolic of the Borg. If people heard you, they would not be so friendly when they answer their doors. With life and death at stake, there should be an arms' length relationship. They assert an in your lap relationship.