Dayum....when it rains it pours!!!
Okay, it is not really that shocking.
I remember being 14 and I remember some 8th graders actually having had sex.
However in reality just because he can physically doesn't mean he should nor is he emotionally/mentally ready for such actions.
Since this comes as such a shock to yall and while in the throes of JW drama......please , please, please consider getting a family counselor involved. I know that sounds drastic but as CyberJesus was saying the reasons why should be explored and with all the hulabaloo going on an outside unbiased adult can be of considerable help making your lad discern that he needs to refrain until a more appropriate age.
Sex is great, sex is fun but sex is also a privilege that comes with a lot of responsibility......of which no 14yr old in the Westernized civilization is prepared. So you got to say 'stop', no that isn't appropriate and you don't approve.
You would be surprised at how many teens do listen to their parents advice and expectations when dealt with in a calm and informative manner. Further the pursuit of the opposite sex during this part of his life will only detract from him achieving whatever it is he wishes to pursue as an adult, his likes now will change by the time he finishes college and graduate school......
I agree too that he has way too much time on his hands......seeing how he now has one conscious parent....put the boy in sports and other activities that challenge him physically and mentally......visit college campuses and talk about his future, get him more involved in chosing his career choice!
Above all I am sure you boy is a good kid, love him, set limits, give him some distractions, praise him, and tell him he is just going to have to do it manually like all the boys before him until the roof he is under is paid for by him.......give a copy of victoria's secret, some lubrication and wetwipes ......time honored, time tested....
(also invest in a good sex-ed program that reflects your values and expectations, talk to him about abstinence on a regular basis)
a) call the girl's parents
b) military school