The Paradise Earth Teaching Is Selfish and Narcissistic

by snowbird 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    Paradise on Earth ( the New Earth under God and Christ) is a very old teaching, it was the "divine reward", the final stage of human development after all wrongs were set right, it is Life AFTER life after death.

    And there is nothing wrong with that kind of hope and those kinds of dreams, IF they are for ALL people, like Peter said " God wants ALL to be saved and to lose no one".

    For the JW's it seems some sort of surreal world where, like you said, they are reward for preaching the teachings of the WT.

    I have never been a big fan of the "end of the world, non-believers die, believers inhert paradice on Earth" scenario.

    It's almost like rejoicing in the destruction of others, something quite contrary to the teachings of Christ.

    Revelations is a book full of imagery and symbolisims and to be selective in what we choose to see as literal and what we choose to see as symbolic is always tricky and always a guess.

  • snowbird

    WasBlind, I'm in Central; you must be in Eastern.


    BB, that is so true - why didn't I see that before now?


  • minimus

    Going to heaven, going to paradise----what's the difference? If YOu are GOOD, YOU can be a "chosen one". Nothing new here.

  • snowbird

    PSac, that teaching seems to make most JW's so callous and indifferent toward the plight of others.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I never believed we were "earning" salvation.

    I was taught that there are two roads. One was narrow and the other broad. Doing all the stuff we did like meetings, field service etc. just meant we had made a choice to take the narrow road.

    It was likened to there being two queues. One had the free gift of life at the end of it and the other death but just because we chosen the right "queue" that gift of life was still only a hope and not guaranteed but you stood a far better chance of getting it than if you had chosen the wrong queue, then you had no chance.

  • PSacramento

    Going to heaven, where our spirit goes upon our death, is to become One with God and all living things, to know the perfection that we were always suppose to have.

    I think that AFTER going through that, we are far better "qualified" to be part of a "paradise on Earth", where ever "New Earth" will be.

  • snowbird

    Minimus, the point is that JW's supposedly practice the TRUTH.

    On closer examination, this TRUTH of theirs is seen to be full of holes.

    You don't HAVE to participate on this thread, you know.


  • leavingwt

    The WT offers what some have called, "Spiritual Materialism".

    "Join us, never die, live forever in perfect health."

    The focus is on surviving Armageddon, by living a life of self-denial. The goal is a carrot, a pie in the sky fantasy.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger.”—Zep 2: 3.

    If I had given up college, marriage, children, decent job, pension etc. etc. etc. I would want more than a vague probability of life which is all JWs offer.

  • snowbird

    Amen, Amelia.


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