Conspiracy theorists
by JimmyPage 182 Replies latest jw friends
- 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,000 children reported missing each day.
- 200,000 children were were abducted by family members.
- 58,000 children were abducted by nonfamily members, and
- 115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know, or knows only slightly, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.
- Exactly my point. 800,000 minus 258,000 that are accounted for. What happens to the other 542,000 children every year in the US? How do more than a half million kids every year disappear into the woodwork in the United States? How many other countries can boast these numbers? How many children are there in China and India compared to the US and how many do THEY have go missing every year never to be found? Several sources are saying that there are ONE MILLION Satanists in the US... could that have something to do with it? Do you know anything about the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control program? And please don't tell me they don't exist because they have been sued many times and LOST......
1975: " God bohms gets annoyed because I say the same things over and over again"
like you have used the words: "Bohm" and "God" in your last 6 posts?
small children say the same again and again to piss of adults. it only work if the person is emotionally invested in the child.
you make a mockery out of yourself 1975..
Exactly my point. 800,000 minus 258,000 that are accounted for. What happens to the other 542,000 children every year in the US? How do more than a half million kids every year disappear into the woodwork in the United States? How many other countries can boast these numbers?
For instance, of those nearly 800,000 children reported missing each year, 99 percent are found through law enforcement efforts, according to FBI statistics.
I remember walking into a Wal Mart once and seeing my stupid cousin's face on the "Have you seen me?" board.
Bill Murray seems like a possible world master puppet. The movie caddyshack convinced me beyond any question. Everyone has a right to an opinion !
Ah, God Bohm, you haven't got my point, have you? Apparently your not as intelligent as you make yourself out to be, ha ha.
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
By John W. DeCamp
This book, authored by a former Republican Nebraska State Senator, exposes the elite web of crime, satanic cults, and child sexual abuse that reaches through the highest levels of power in our society. The organized cover-up and suppression of the events and victims' accounts is well documented, as is the author's role as attorney in the investigations and court cases. It's interesting that former CIA director Bill Colby ambiguously acknowledged to the author that the scenario described is real, and not long thereafter Colby turned up dead under suspicious circumstances. This is a good book to recommend for those in denial about the depravity and deviousness of those with power and influence in our society. The only significant weakness about the book is that it does not go into much discussion of the larger context of elite cults and organized conspiratorial activity, instead just focusing on a small portion of this activity.
This book is quite shocking in many ways. The allegations of child abuse, money laundering, drug running and official governmental cover-ups both big and small. The Iran-Contra affair and CIA mind control. How do they all play in this midwestern state? Read this book to find out.
If it's true it is totally shocking. And how can it not be true? While the allegations many times appear outlandish the writer names names and points fingers at very powerful individuals. Why has no one filed law suits for slander if these allegations are not true? That brings is back around to the unbelievable thought that these allegations are true.
A groundbreaking book that sometimes seems to go off on tangents but all the while is a very important read. Witness the power of the government in ways that most people don't realize exists, the sordid underbelly. Outstanding.
I first saw the accusations in the book on a half finished Yorkshire television documentary that never made it to television. The allegations were so horrific in the film; it near enough reduced me to tears. So shocked at the material in the film I had to read the book. Sadly the book documents episodes that are far more disheartening than the film did.
A telling feature about this book is the clear cut reputation and standing of its author and the circumstances behind his involvement in the story.
Of all the dodgy conspiracies and tall tales circulating today, none is more compelling, possible or disturbing as this and moreover the tide of evidence would suggest the author is telling the truth. This book stands up like no other as it accuses figures of complicity in actions that are virtually libellous. Yet has faced no litigation action, except one case where the author won.
And another case where his client's abuse and mental anguish was recognised by the court that tellingly was late in the 1999's in relation to a figure central to the story. Not to mention the original court case that's central to the book, in relation to Larry King. ( this is all public record now.)
I cannot stress how important this book is, it remained fresh in my mind for weeks.
This is one book that has to be read, if you're American the material in this book would shock you. I watched a recent episode of Oprah about missing children in America In which a statistic was used which shocked me. 2,000 children go missing in the United States every single Day!!!
That links to this book in so many ways, an absolutely terrifying, yet fascinating read. I couldn't stop reading until I stopped myself physically due to the sheer unease it caused me, but I was soon back to it. I would recommend this book higher than any other. Put simply it is a terrifying portrayal of how corruption and power can demand silence on the immoral and disturbing actions of those in privileged and powerful positions.
A must read for anyone. Especially Americans. For its content, which one must look at objectively, and with reservations of course. yet this is both stunning and believable and my heart sadly believes that there is more truth than fiction t the claims made by Decamp. Read This book! -
For those of you who don't know about Phil Schneider...
When exactly did the FBI start publishing statistics on missing children?
In Phil Schneider's last video lecture (1995), Phil alluded to the fact that over 700,000 kids are reported missing every year and never found again. The actual figure is closer to one million missing American children that go unaccounted for every year. Ted points out that the FBI maintains all kinds of statistics on stolen cars, but steadfastly refuses to list missing children in their statistics (does that tell you anything?). The voluminous documentation and testimonies of victims described in The Franklin Coverup, by attorney John De Camp (Nebraska), leave no question that the FBI themselves are a major player in the coverup of missing and abused young children by prominent politicians and powerful individuals in this country.
Ted Gunderson retired from the FBI in 1979 with honors after 29 years of lauded service. He had risen to the position of Special Agent in Charge and at the time of his retirement and had under his command over 700 FBI agents in the greater Los Angeles area.
He became exposed to the world of satanic abuse after retiring and becoming a private investigator. He became interested in the mysterious case, featured on Unsolved Mysteries, of Dr. Jeffrey McDonald, a Fort Bragg Army physician who was accused and convicted of murdering his wife and three young children in a viscious bloodbath that took place at his home in the early 1970's. The murder scene included satanic symbols scrawled everywhere with the victims' blood. He was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences.
Ted discovered irrefutable proof, including the confession of one of the satanic cult members who were, in fact, responsible for the murders, that McDonald was innocent and was being framed for the murders to cover up the trail of investigation that would have eventually led to McDonald's discovery of evidence at the hospital where he worked, that drugs were being shipped inside body bags and body cavities from Vietnam along with a huge CIA drug distrbution operation out of Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. -
the vast majority of children that go missing in the US are NEVER FOUND....
For instance, of those nearly 800,000 children reported missing each year, 99 percent are found through law enforcement efforts, according to FBI statistics.
The chance that a child is kidnapped and murdered stands at about 1 in every 347,000. 90 percent of stranger kidnappings are committed by males aged 20-40 years old. Less than 5 percent of children kidnapped by strangers are never found, while 99 percent of abductions committed by a family member or acquaintance result in reunification of child and parent.
And so now it hopscotches on to a new one.
Debunked my ass.
I really don't give a shit what the FBI says.
From my last post:
The voluminous documentation and testimonies of victims described in The Franklin Coverup, by attorney John De Camp (Nebraska), leave no question that the FBI themselves are a major player in the coverup of missing and abused young children by prominent politicians and powerful individuals in this country.