Conspiracy theorists

by JimmyPage 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    And so now it hopscotches on to a new one.

    i think this subject is still good for a copy-paste or two :-).

  • botchtowersociety

    Or four or five, and don't hold back on the youtubes.

  • ProdigalSon

    i think this subject is still good for a copy-paste or two :-).

    And if I just state things with my own words they are nothing more than an opinion and you would trash that too. What are YOU offering besides opinions bohm? How do you think these childrens' families feel about these cover-ups?

  • ProdigalSon

    Or four or five, and don't hold back on the youtubes.

    AWWW, is the VOLUME of evidence getting to you botch man? Too much shit to dig out from under? Feeling like you're bailing out of the Titanic with a shot glass?

    You might actually try watching one and then having a legitimate response.

  • botchtowersociety

    The voluminous documentation and testimonies of victims described in The Franklin Coverup, by attorney John De Camp (Nebraska), leave no question that the FBI themselves are a major player in the coverup of missing and abused young children by prominent politicians and powerful individuals in this country.

    John De Kamp was a publically disgraced US Senatorial hopeful that wrote a book designed to disgrace those that accused him of child abuse. He invented a conspiracy theory.

    Two grand juries have found his accusations to be false. Two of the purported victims were convicted of perjury and one was sentenced to a decade in prison.


  • ProdigalSon

    Man oh man it's a virtual sea of disinformation. Everybody is accusing everyone else of lying. Judges and juries can be bought or coerced. The entire system is corrupt. You have no idea of the power involved here.

    Why all the smokescreens, if the FBI and the CIA has nothing to hide?

    Check this out:

    And now this:;article=122945;

  • sooner7nc

    How do you think these childrens' families feel about these cover-ups?

    Let's go ask some of these families. 800,000 children a year, 2 parents per child, 1.6 million adults that have lost children. Let's just ask the parents from the last 5 years. That makes it about 8 million indivduals that we could ask about their "disappeared" children and the pop. of the US is roughly 310,000,000. That gives a ratio of 1 in every 39 people has a child who's mysteriously disappearred never to be seen again. That means that in the small town I live in there are 423 of these individuals. This should be easy.

    PS and 1975, your arguements are so easy to pick apart.

  • bohm

    sooner7nc: oh crap man, dont use math! it make 1975 go bananas and ask about your sexlife again and again...

    and by the way, your numbers only proove the parents ARE satanists (it is left as an excersize why they report the children missing in the first place) OR the satanists make them disappear to OR they are just silenced by satanists/fbi/illuminati who apparently have no problem killing children, but nevertheless feel compelled to publish statistics on their vile deeds on the internet for everyone to see and borderline insane former FBI agents (all FBI agents are notorious liars aside those who agree with the conspiracy*) to speculate about.

    *now where did i hear that one before...

  • sooner7nc
  • bohm

    How do you think these childrens' families feel about these cover-ups?

    if i had a missing child, i bet i would get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when some wikipedia-chalenged guy from the comfort of his own basement told me the FBI agents who busted their ass trying to find the child was really responsible for him going missing. yah. that would be really nice.

    i bet every parent would love to hear that one thrown around as a baseless accusation!

    i would basically be jumping in my chair, happified some dumbass made a youtube video about the subject and later toured around getting rich giving talk and writing books on the subject.

    i would totally not feel that would be belitteling the memory of my lost child. Or feel that someone spreading lies which make people less likely to coorporate with the people who are trying to find my child (the FBI) is a waste of oxygen.

    (updated to add more bile)

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