I've Decided That It'll Be Best For Me To Return To The Kingdom Hall.

by Philadelphia Ponos 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    godrulz, make a thread about it.

  • Maze
    This is a very valid reason for leaving . . . but how do you reconcile this with going back to the KH? If you really believe this then you are simply swapping one form of idolatry for another. Your worldly friends are "idolators" in a fleshly sense as many are. The GB are spiritual idolators . . . do you know which is considered worse? If it's not true worship you are seeking . . . rather, just a better quality of friends . . . on both counts you are looking in the wrong place PP. Expand your horizon . . . the choices you are restricting yourself to are very limited ones . . . why limit yourself in this way?
    Also . . . are you going to quit your job as well? . . . if not, your work place problems will still be there. If you do quit your job . . . then why not make one change at a time? . . . and see how that pans out first?
    I urge you to consider these things because I don't think you will get the outcome you anticipate . . . and I wonder where you will go from there.
    I personally cannot wish anyone well if they are returning to a harmful cult . . . it's just plain wrong on all levels.
    Einstein's definition of insanity? . . . "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".
    I would urge you to consider things very carefully.

    It's not a harmful cult. It's not a cult period. The concept of a “cult” in your mind is simply a slang term for an organization you have personal issues with. So the religion is not for you. This doesn't mean it's not for everyone.

    All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    Jehovah's Organization and Bible truths are beneficial for millions of people. It may not be beneficial for you but then again you're not a God fearing person. That's the criteria for the division between those that accept the Truth and those that don't.

  • moshe

    Gooood luck on going back. JWs are always able look on the positive side of life- reality is what the the GB says it is-

    ps- Since you have been gone and doing god knows what, it may take awhile for the brothers to warm up to you at the KH.


  • sooner7nc

    It's not the truth maze. One day when you are old and dying maybe you'll realize it. It's going to be too late but maybe you'll get to bask in the realization of this for at least a little while.

    If it's not a cult then it's at least a perfect example of a False Religion. Naw...piss on that, it's definitely a cult.

  • sooner7nc

    Alice Rachel is that you?

  • Morbidzbaby

    PP~ I gotta say I'm disappointed. You really shouldn't guage the entire world of non-JW's by the small circle of people you work with. It's not fair to yourself... You're denying yourself the joy of getting to know people who actually think like you do! There are more people like you out there than you think. And not all of them used to be JW's lol. I don't smoke, I don't drink heavily (one drink every few weeks), I curse now and then, but I don't sleep around (and even if I did, that would not be something I freely spread around and opened up to discussion with workmates).

    Maze's post just showed the JW mindset, really. They THINK they have some sort of monopoly on good behavior, but I've met people of different faiths who were even MORE righteous than JW's THINK they themselves are. I have a good friend who is Catholic and she is one of the most giving people I have ever met. Kind, selfless, and more upstanding than any JW... See, a JW behaves cause they know people are watching. Their fellow JW's are charged with the task of watching everyone else to make sure they don't mess up, and if they do, they're taken to the elders right quick! Whereas with other religions, and with good people in general, they are nice, kind, and moral because they WANT to be. You may feel some sort of cameraderie with the JW's because they don't smoke, swear, talk about sex, or sleep around...but that's about the only thing you'll have in common. And not settling in one congregation, not going out in service, and not commenting at meetings is not going to put you in good with anyone... You won't have many friends, if any, because you will be viewed as "weak". Just something to think about. You'll more than likely still feel like you don't belong. You may get love-bombed by several congregations at first, but when they realize that you keep turning down their invitations to work with them out in service, that will stop. It only lasts as long as you keep the status quo.

    Someone mentioned speaking to a supervisor, and I think that's a great idea. Honestly, there are laws against lewd behavior in the workplace. To be honest, if their conversation bothers you that much, you technically could file a sexual harrassment complaint with the company. While you're working on that, work on finding another job. Seriously. You don't need to put up with that crapola. No one should be subjected to that.

    Therapy was a wonderful suggestion. There are some things that ex-JW's just can't help with, and professional counselling is one of them. You seem to have some anger issues and that's something you definitely should talk to someone about.

    There were a number of great suggestions (aside from Maze's) and I think you should really read and re-read this thread and the responses you've gotten and take the advice that's been suggested (again, aside from Maze's lol).

    I wish you the best in whatever you decide, but I really do hope you make a HEALTHY decision, and not one that's born out of an ailing spirit.


  • sooner7nc
  • godrulz

    Many Mormons have a reputation for exemplary living, but they also have legalisms, rules, and profound failings with their public image not matching the day-to-day reality of their lives (they also have bizarre false doctrine). Christians in my circles can also be biblically holy or compromising in the flesh. Behavior is one factor, but belief is also important. A good living atheist is going to hell, while a bad living Christian is going to heaven (few understand grace, which is not a license to sin).

  • leavingwt

    Best wishes.

    Your perspective this time around will allow you to make better decisions within the organization.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Speak to a supervisor or a manager about what you're facing at work. Don't walk in with an accusatory tone, don't name names, just sit down and calmly ask your boss for clarification about policies related to swearing, sexual talk and the like. Be open about wanting some help and suggestions about how to improve the situation. Even in the average blue collar work place, those kind of behaviors are not acceptable and can create what is considered a hostile work environment.

    Oh, yeah! That will get you a lot of good recognition in a "blue collar" environment. That's just what some foreman or project manager needs is to be dumped on by some wussy new guy who can't handle the F-word etc etc. That will REALLY make a guy some points with management!

    That is unless you're a woman. They those kind of questions will get management jumping through their @$$ worried about a sexual harrassment suit.

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