I am sorry you feel as you do, dear WontLeave (again, peace to you!). But that is sometimes the case with those who tout the excruciatingly obviously false teachings of the WTBTS. It’s a bit of a marvel that many still do, though, even now, given what's out there to show the falsity.
That fact that you cannot grasp that flesh... WITHOUT sin in it (i.e., sinLESS)... doesn't die... but only flesh WITH sin in it (i.e., sinFUL)... is... curious. It makes me wonder as to your basic education (e.g., whether you can tell the difference between something that is without/sans something... and thus LESS... versus something that is with/full of something... and thus FUL). Very basic, elementary suffixes, dear one.
I am a bit embarrassed for YOU, though, that, given all of the information to the contrary, you apparently believe that Michael is the same as Christ. They not only have different voices, dear one, which I shared with you… but… Michael is an angel. Christ, dear one, is a son... and NO angel has ever been called a son by the Most Holy One of Israel. They are servants, not sons (even though MAN might call them sons, which is an error).
The ONLY other son of God, thus far, was Adam. There WILL be others sons, absolutely, by means of an adoption (through an anointing) by holy spirit... but thus far such ones have only been given a token of that sonship (the anointing); they will not fully BE sons... until they put off the flesh and put on a spirit body, thus becoming FULLY in the image of Christ. Right now, they bear the image… of Adham.
But I'm not surprised that you are still caught up in the WTBTS trap: it is insidious, as many here can tell you. Not easy for most to readily break loose. That is what cult brainwashing does. I will explain to you, however, who Michael is, so that you can KNOW and not continue putting faith in a WTBTS lie should you so choose:
Michael is one of the TWO cherubs whose "positions" were to protect the Ark [of the Covenant], its contents, and its cover.
The ARK... is the "womb" of the "Woman" - Jerusalem Above ("Sarah", who is the "free wife" of the Most Holy One of Israel, with whom He had a Son, Christ). Her womb... is the spirit realm. ALL things came out of the spirit realm. Thus, the phrase "In the beginning" is accurately transliterated as "In the Ark". You might have to look up your ancient Hebrew to see this truth, but it’s there. There is another alternative, though, which I will get to in a minute.
The CONTENTS of the Ark (the part which is being covered/protected, for not everything in her womb requires protecting)… is the SEED of the Woman…and the COVENANT with God between Him and HER children. That seed is her progeny… and awaits “fertilization” by the “seed” of GOD… His holy spirit. When this occurs, a “new creation” comes to be: a son. This is borne out when anyone receives holy spirit from Christ… who has been given authority to dispense… and so is “conceived” in SPIRIT. This gives such one the potential to be a son, as well. They are not literally sons now, but only technically, by means of the TOKEN of such sonship – an adoption by holy spirit. Once they put on SPIRIT bodies… so as to be in the image of GOD, through being in the image of CHRIST… then they are literally sons. The Covenant is the agreement to PROTECT that seed.
This adoption, however, has NEVER been held out to any angel, including Michael (an angel).
The COVER of the Ark… or its “propitiatory”… is Christ. He is the one who “covers” for the seed… and their sins. HE is the “propitiatory” sacrifice FOR that seed… the One who washes away their sins… so that they can ultimately BE sons. He is the PROTECTOR… and thus, the custodian of the Covenant by means of which such seed ARE protected.
The OTHER cherub… is Belial… the one known to you as “Satan” and “Devil.” BOTH cherubs were supposed to keep their faces toward the cover (Christ); however, ONE… turned his face away. Toward himself. In doing so, he did not “stand fast” ON the Cover (the TRUTH, which Christ is). As a result, HE began to go after the seed… starting with Adham (who was NOT such a seed – his mother is “Hagar”, the physical realm – earth; however, he was the CARRIER of that seed. It was placed IN him… in the spirit essence that was Eve, who came OUT of Adham).
He, Belial, felt that if he could get to Adham (which he did), he could get to that seed (which he did) to destroy it (by having it destroy itself – another post). Why? Because sonship was not held out to angels. It was held out to mankind… who is weaker, punier, more pitiable, unfaithful, full of hate and disloyalty, disobedient, rebellious, and even blasphemous. Yet, is it mankind that God LOVES… so much that He gave His only-begotten Son (by “Sarah” – His other Son, Adham, had a different mother, a “slave girl”) to SAVE that seed… mankind. Many spirit beings were not only jealous of this… but took issue.
And so, ONE of the angels of the Ark (Michael)… in order to protect the COVER (Christ)… when he returned to the spirit realm… battled with the OTHER angel of the Ark (Belial)… and cast him OFF the “cover” and thus OUT of the spirit realm (womb). Because that was his (Michael’s) JOB (among others): to keep his face TOWARD the “cover” (toward Christ)… and protect him (who, in turn, protected the contents of the Ark, the seed).
I do not know these things because I read it in the Bible, dear one, although it is there. I know them because my Lord showed me them… when I asked him. I wanted to know the TRUTH… and rather than just tell me, he showed me. I saw these things with my own eyes, which is how I am able to share them with you.
You must realize, though, that it makes absolutely NO difference to ME whether you believe them or not. They are the truth. I can only tell you the truth about them… whether you hear… or refrain.
I hope this helps, truly.
Again, I bid you peace… and ears to hear… when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
“Come! Take ‘life’s water’… the “oil of exultation”… which is the holy spirit of God, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH… of Armies… and is poured out from the innermost parts of His Son and Christ, the Protector of His Covenant with mankind… my Lord, JAHESHUA, the chosen/anointed One of JAH (MischaJAH)…FREE!”
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,