Something creepy here.
How many here would be prepared to reveal thier real identity NOW ?
by eruption 93 Replies latest jw friends
I'm getting to the point where I don't really care if my real identity was revealed. No contact with old JW friends or even family in the past 5 years. So really, what is the difference if I was officially villified as apostate?
Just don't have a specific reason to do so I guess.
"Don't mind if I already did!"
In answer (IN BATMAN STYLE ) (IM NOT CRAZY ) how do I know who,s male female ect ? I thought we were talking ex JW,s, here Pussy,s. ?
Well maybey I am being niave, I wont be loosing sleep tonight, thinking there is a little limp wristed homo JW reminstrating with me, cos i will kick his arse.
goodnight and god bless.
Skeeter, ok ive got 61 posts, but every time I try to communicate here, the mods remove my posts. I think they are worried of the possible consequences that my posts will illicet. That suggests to me that I communicate very effectiveley, I will take the onslaught of my freedoms as a backhanded commliment
Dude, what are you talking about? You are not communicating effectively at all.
yeah, on the internet.... my SS# will be included
Got nothing to hide, me.
Loz x
Well I have my picture up here so Im not afraid to tell anybody who I am but I would at least like to know why you would want to know.
It is pretty easy to figure out from my posts who I am. The thing is... no one cares who I am. Haha. My family knows I'm an evil, rabid apostate and I am lucky enough that the ones I care about (parental units) still talk to me anyway.
What, are you nuts?- and jeopardize my witness protection cover?