How many here would be prepared to reveal thier real identity NOW ?

by eruption 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    I've thought about a solution for this thread so pass me a mirror please?

    *Checks her reflection*

    Yep thats definitely me.

    Loz x

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When there is a nosy parker about it is probably best to use PM



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    *Checks her reflection*

    I get someone to check against my passport photo. Can't be too careful. I might be an imposter.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If you look like your passport photo, you definitely need a holiday!

    = +

  • Alfred

    Dr. Alfred E Bellows

    Resident Psychiatrist

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • sizemik

    I am not afraid of the BORG or anyone else. I like to be able to express my freedom of speech here on a variety of subjects, and to freely offer help and support where I can.

    I also involve myself periodically in lobbying prominent people, Govt departments and Media outlets, on various facets of this cult when appropriate. What I don't want is to allow freedom to anybody to scroll through all of the opinions and comments I have made here and then use them at a later date in a different setting or context. That may reduce my effectiveness in either activity. Good enough for me.

  • finallysomepride

    My name is Kevin as I often sign off with, the rest I could tell, but, then I would have to kill you.

  • Nickolas

    There are only so many men named Nickolas and on that basis there is at least one prominent JWN participant who has the facility to figure out who I am because of a related business transaction outside this forum. Whether or not he has, I don't know. If he decided to out me it could have consequences for both of us. I might sue him for invasion of privacy and the JWs in my family might be afforded an opportunity to read what I have posted, decide I'm a spiritual danger to them and shun me like they shun my DFed nephew. However, I would have no difficulty revealing my identity once and if my wife's eyes are opened to the truth about The Truth, but then I just might also decide to end my association with JWN. Frankly, there are on this board many individuals, shrouded or otherwise, for whom I have considerable respect and with whom I would welcome the opportunity to meet, but there are also those who I would just as soon not have anything but a virtual presense in my life. For that reason alone I will keep hold of my anonymity.

  • eruption


    All I wanted to find out what would be the rammifications for individuals who post here, IF there identity were to become known.

    Please Dont tell me who you are, can anyone just let me know, what would likelely happen to them, if thier identity became known ?

    Its a simple straightforward request for some insight from some of you ex JW,s who post here ?

    Is it asking too much for someone to reply Annonimously ? Talk about paranoia !!!

    anyway Im going to get a beer, I been working hard, the Dollar v pound exchange rate is awfull, and i got 3 weeks in CALF i july

  • Berengaria

    Absolutely nothing would happen to me from a JW standpoint if I revealed my identity. I am long out of the JW's. I would assume the issue would really be as individual as the posters here are. What would likely happen to you E?

    How's that beer? What brand is it?

    Where in Calif you gonna be? I live in Northern Calif, near San Fran.


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