An open letter to the Governing Body: Go F*ck Yourselves.

by EntirelyPossible 103 Replies latest social family

  • godrulz

    Prodigal: There is evidence that at least one or two GB do not believe many WT things and admit they need to blow it up and start from scratch, Gen. 1:1 ff. It is sheer hypocrisy to rule with an iron fist and demand people believe things some of the GB do not even believe. The whole thing smells of fallible, sinful human organization with no evidence of being directed by Jehovah (directed by demons, yes, considering the same doctrine of demons Johannes Greber taught, the spiritist they have looked to for support).

    Waterspout: There was a conference of cult experts, including former JWs, who had polarized views on mind control vs personal responsibility. Based on the evidence with Moonies, etc., it seems that mind control as negation of personal responsibility was not the correct view. The individual is initially culpable for allowing themselves to be indoctrinated/controlled and it is possible to short-circuit this or break away from it. The Bible always emphasizes personal responsibility, even in the face of strong deception. Mind control is probably an overstatement misnomer with JWs, but there is an aspect of it and indoctrination into the system. It is influential, even strongly so, but not causative. Rom. 1 people actively suppress truth, live with cognitive dissonance, etc., yet are considered without excuse. In this internet age, there is no reason a person should become or remain a JW. Many here admit they do not believe it, but they make a responsible or irresponsible choice to remain in to keep contact with family, etc. Some are manipulated with threat of DF/shunning, but others knowingly tow the line due to the high cost of doing the right thing. God will hold JWs responsible for believing and submitting to GB instead of Him/Word. The same is true of Catholics, etc. If my pastor told me I am going to hell for smoking (I don't smoke) or masturbation, etc., I would know he is wrong and not be controlled by this. The dynamics with a child trusting parents or torn between two (black/white thinking) are another can of worms.

    One does not have to be an ex-Moonie to understand from research and the experiences of ex-Moonies the issues. An ex-Moonie can understand an ex-JW because the dynamics are similar, but with a different belief/practice system. Concerned Christians who were never JWs can know significantly more about the WT and workings of it by reading 'apostate' experiences or material from the past that the average JWs knows nothing about. I am likely to know more about Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, etc. than most JWs ever will. If I was getting into or born into a group that started comparatively recently (cf. LDS/Mormon/Smith), I would consider their credibility, beliefs, character relevant. Christianity is rooted in Christ/Bible, so we don't have this need/issue. We do not have a founder other than Christ expounded on by Paul, etc.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Godrulz, to take your point even further, in this age, there is no reason should be or remain a Christian given the knowledge of science and the bible they can obtain. to say you know know about russell, knorr, franz, etc., but to be so woefully ignorant of your own tightly held beliefs, is laughably and comically sad.

  • godrulz

    I have formally studied the Bible cover to cover with doctorate level profs (B. Th.) for 4 years and a total of over 30 years personally. I am convinced, with hundreds of millions of others, that it is in fact the Word of God (not ignoring translation/interpretation issues). Good science is consistent with Scripture. Bad science is worth rejecting. There is no scientific or rational reason to dispute Christianity. God exists. Jesus is God. Jesus rose from the dead, etc. I will lay down my life and stake my eternity on this. The gospel is the power of God, whether you believe it or not (foolishness to those who are perishing Rom. 1:16; I Cor. 1:18). I can show the corruption of the NWT, the evils of past WT presidents, the humanity of the GB, etc., but you cannot find fault with God, Christ, Scripture. There is a difference between Jim Jones cult and historical, biblical, orthodox Christianity.

    In addition to your personal family tragedies relating to WT, your bigger personal tragedy will be a cult poisoning you towards spiritual truth and biblical Christianity. You will still be without excuse because evil Jim Jones does not disprove the perfect Christ, Son of God. You now have a heart and head issue. I sympathize to a point, but your only true answer will be found in a relationship with Jesus, something you did not have as a religious WT drone. You must work through your issues with or without help, but it does not get you off the hook with our common need for God. We are not meant to do it alone and mess up when we try. Atheism/agnosticism is an empty philosophy that will leave you just as lost as you were before. It will also not solve your problems as a form of denial and rebellion.

  • poopsiecakes
  • EntirelyPossible

    I have formally studied the Bible cover to cover with doctorate level profs (B. Th.) for 4 years and a total of over 30 years personally.

    It must suck to have spent that much time studying and not have learned a goddamn thing. Of course, being who you are, you completely miss my point. Learning what it is in the Bible isn't at all the same as learning ABOUT the bible. No wonder you spent 30 years and haven't learned anything. You certainly didn't learn when to not use the "appeal to authority" logical fallacy.

    Good science is consistent with Scripture. Bad science is worth rejecting.

    Totally. I trust you will no longer put your faith in any of the medicine or technology the bad science has produced. Or will you? Will you put your money where your mouth is or will you not and continue to spout off here like some brain dead, pathertic hypocritical fool?

    I will lay down my life and stake my eternity on this.

    Good for you. I will go play golf and enjoy mine.

    In addition to your personal family tragedies relating to WT, your bigger personal tragedy will be a cult poisoning you towards spiritual truth and biblical Christianity.

    Let's see, how do I make this know jack shit about me, jack shit about thje faith you claim to love, jack shit about being a JW, jack shit about trying get a child out of a cult, jack shit about the history of the bible.

    Let me sum up. Suck it.

    I sympathize to a point, but your only true answer will be found in a relationship with Jesus, something you did not have as a religious WT drone.

    I do not sympathize with you. Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

  • Satanus

    Wow, entirelypossible. Your life story takes the breath away. Your courage is boundless. Most likely, honesty w your son will bring the best results. Afterall, he has inherited a big measure of honesty and strength.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I,m truly sorry for all your pain and i wish it was all different however, I'm glad you have finally taken your stand it is better to live honestly and let the chips fall where they may because that's the only way any healing will occur and it might turnout really well you just don't know.

  • Heaven

    Hey, EP, my suggestion to do a 'Bible Study' is not to convince your son that the Bible is true but in fact, to use it as a tool to point out that the JWs do not have the truth as they claim they do based on the Bible. Studying the Bible can be as simple as a 5 minute conversation one day on a doctrine or question he has about things. This will take place over time. I am not suggesting that you formalize this and make it into a long, drawn out gag-fest. Short, easy to understand questions and conversations with him over time using the Bible to refute JW doctrine is what I had in mind. But if he says something like 'Are you taking me to the Hall?" and he has all his books, say to him "No. But if you like we can talk about questions you have about the Bible." If he has no questions, suggest to him that in place of going to the Kingdom Hall that the 2 of you go help someone less fortunate and then help out those in need in your community.

    My suggestions are about a strategy to get him thinking and to de-program him.

    I wish you much success with this.

  • notformeandmyhousehold

    To EP...Your letter brought tears to my i WISH my own family could read this, but of course, they never will "commit the unforgiveable sin".

  • Nickolas

    What poopsiecakes and EP said. Enough verbal diarrhea already.

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