I'm glad you've had a better day. One day he'll understand.
An open letter to the Governing Body: Go F*ck Yourselves.
by EntirelyPossible 103 Replies latest social family
sizemilk, thanks. I hope it helps someone. it helped me just writing it.
The WTS has used fear as a controlling mechanism almost from the very beginning of its inception as an organization.
It has lured people with curious attention and once they have been fully indoctrinated they have chained themselves mentally to this
high controlling publishing religious cult. Most people who are involved are totally unaware how and why they are so psychologically
and mentally hooked. They have been deliberately brain washed to be subservient to the leaders of this organization in a very exploitive way,
which is of course is prosperous to the organization but damaging personally to individuals in regards to their mental health and well being.
Your experience with your son is similar to many folks, such as myself that have relatives in this corrupt organization, it is a true hardship that
can not be denied.
In this regard we have to make the best of the situation and try and feed are relatives with bits of information that the WTS. is NOT what it is
that they say they are. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
"Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"
Take care E P
@ E P, If I didnt know better I could swear your Jack Nicholson, That put down to godrulz, was fuc---g epic, you are evidentily a great father, a great guy (ok you lie a lot ) but your love for your kid, is unmistakable.
Your post, made ME feel like shit, what a fucking terrible place to be, Im certain your son will side with you, but what those tossers in Brooklyn are doing to your family is unforgivable, Your a strong guy , (you dont need me to tell you ), all the best mate.
Ha! I am not the great Jack. I did steal that line from As Good As It Gets, though. Godrulz is just an irritating mindless Jesus drone that jumps into threads and starts spewing. There are several firm Christians here I would never in a million years treat the way I treated him, but then, they don't act like that fool.
The place I am in if good. I have the opportunity to give my kids the choice I never had. Whatever they decide, as adults, is ok with me, but I insist they have the choice.
I havent read the whole thread only your first post. How very sad. My heart aches for you. I'm sure your son, in time, will be able to understand how much you love him, and hopefully your stand will cause him to question his beliefs too.
My hope is that you actually post that letter to Brooklyn.
Loz x
Entirely Possible--I am so sorry you have to go through this with your son. Keeping family harmony is rough enough without those interferring bastards in Brooklyn. So I send my thought with yours to the cosmos . . . F*ck Them!
I'm also sorry that you have yet another "Christian" condemning and judging you. Most days I'm an atheist, some days I wonder, but my life is anything but empty! I have posted this video before, but will do so again. Maybe it will make you smile and shine a light on how some view the bible even in a world where so much scientific fact destroys what it teaches.
I am not condemning and judging. The dude is condemned and judged by his own sins. I am pointing him to the cure for sin, death, hell, in love. I am also not a mindless drone and know what I believe and why and can defend it in the face of idiotic atheism (Dawkins, etc. who don't have a clue about sound arguments, logic, religion, spirituality).
The only people that EP is condemning is the WT org. Yes when you speak of death, sin and hell, I do feel the love. Dawkins doesn't have a sound clue? Such sweeping statements with no support. Good science does not support the scriptures. Science does not have all the answers yet---for sure---but that is the nature of science. INQUIRY. You have the good book and therefore you have all the answers---like the song says---no need to really look at any of it. Close your eyes and stop your ears.
Personally I think the last thing a person needs here is to be judged and condemned and threatened with eternal fire--but I also believe in free speech. Your tactics are the same as JW's---just a different version. If your god can't rule with love, he will rule with fear. What an insecure god. Too bad about that.
I know gentle and loving Christians, and I can respect and love them. But what a shame that they are more often represented by those spouting the hateful rhetoric.
Forgive me if this constitutes a highjacking of the topic. I just hate to see someone kicked when they are already suffering. I have a daughter, and if she had been torn from me by these teachings EP, my heartbreak would know no bounds. Fortunately she never bought it and her father was never a JW. Since my leaving we have only become closer. Teach your son critical thinking. That will be the skill he needs to see clearly when he is ready.
The love of God is paramount, but those who mock Him need fear (reverence/awe) of the most majestic, glorious being in the universe. Jn. 3:16 is great, but Jn. 3:36 is in the same context. It is not loving to present one verse without the other. There is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. Is it loving to not warn people of the impending cliff they are about to drive off to their death? It is not hateful to give God's view of things. It is not hateful nor homophobic to say homosexuality is wrong and its proponents will not inherit the kingdom of God. Playing god is dumb. Defending the honor of God is a worthy enterprise.
I am also a father and hate the wiles and ways of the WT. The most loving thing a father can do is ensure their family is right with God through Christ. It takes a man to admit they were wrong all these years. It also takes a man to find out the truth and lead their family into it.
Some here confuse sentimental luv with true love that seeks the highest good and glory of God and the highest good of others.