Hmmm, so you hate the wiles and ways of JW tactics that teach their children they will die in Armageddon if they are not right with god, but somehow teaching your child that he will burn forever if he is not right with god is different. Ah well, think of all those parents that reach the glory of heaven. They can laugh and revel as they listen to their children's belated screams for mercy as they burn and burn. Gratefully, they won't be sentimental about it. They will only experience the true love that is doled out in the form of torture. In this case expressing true love that seeks the highest good and glory in god is rejoicing as your loved ones suffer unimaginable pain. It's an expresson of true love afterall. Try as you might, you simply cannot reconcile such a thing with the idea of a loving god. But if it makes you happy--go for it. Some people really need to inflict pain on those that don't believe as they do--it makes them even more right.
An open letter to the Governing Body: Go F*ck Yourselves.
by EntirelyPossible 103 Replies latest social family
Who said babies/young children go to hell? God does not want anyone to go to hell and there is no good reason to go there in light of the cross. The fate of lost loved ones is a legit concern, but also shows our mistrust and ignorance of God (medieval torture chamber is not the nature of hell; hell is also not contrary to the love of God, but it is consistent with His holiness).
Denying things out of ignorance/arrogance does not negate their reality.
Who says parents stop caring about their children once they reach adulthood? Oh, I can revel in true love because my child, who is in hell, is an ADULT! Thanks, that makes it all better. Careful when you call people ignorant.
I care about my adult children. I would be grieved and broken if they reject Christ. I also know and trust God that He will do the right thing as Judge of all the earth (Gen. 18:25). Even now, I see the wisdom in loving God supremely and others equal to ourselves. Love and relationship demands free will, so there is a possibility our children will not choose God. God is the perfect parent, yet Israel strayed from Him.
I am suggesting it is ignorant and arrogant to think one knows better than an omniscient, wise, loving, holy God. His ways are defensible, but our rebellion is not. Most people desire justice for Hitler, yet are blind to their own sin that cost Christ's life. If God did not provide escape, you would have a point. He came and died an ignominious death that we can have eternal life, yet we continue to spit in His face?! The ball is in our court (hell was also originally prepared for Satan, not man; those who follow Satan share his fate).
I am suggesting it is ignorant and arrogant to think one knows better than an omniscient, wise, loving, holy God.
Hardly for example god killed all the inhabitants on earth except for one family during a global flood, all for no practical useful purpose.
So not wise, not so loving and holy well there have been hundreds of gods who once were deemed omniscient and holy.
I'm suggesting that the wise can perceive and understand human ignorance to its probable fault and occurrence.
Reality is a bitch sometimes when you come face to face with it , sorry to interrupt your delusion. Godrulz
A holy God gives much opportunity for grace and mercy. At some point the cancer that is killing civilization and His people must be dealt with (justice). You fail to appreciate God's blazing holiness and how evil/wicked/destructive man had become.
how evil/wicked/destructive man had become.
Are you referring to the Jehovah's Witnesses, that mind controling exploitative publishing cult that has killed and destroyed
thousands of lives, all for the love and lust of power and money of a few select men ?
If so, I would totally agree !
A quick update, we had a talk today and he was mainly upset about the lie. I explained how it happened and he eventually understood. We ended up having a great day, played tennis, went for ice cream, wrestled, went swimming, grilled steaks.
Good for both of you! I'm glad you guys had a good talk and he understands. Trust is huge, and it sounds to me that you and your children will have that between you.
thanks for taking the time to share this - it was having two kids that made me do something about the lie I had been living
good luck for the next few years and beyond - it will get better I'm sure...
: go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself right in the ass with a red hot fire poker.
You are being WAY too kind to them. You need to toughen up a LOTabout that.
It's just my opinion, though. Maybe a SAMS missile up their ass or some other thermonuclear device with a new dreaded disease to shove up there, too. Yeah. That would do it!
Hey! Fantasies are great, eh?
Now, back to the real world: why don't we just beat them into oblivion using their own false prophesies and idiotic polices?
It works for me!
Farkel, Doesn't have a SAMS Missile CLASS