If you still could not vote/ get credit in your own name/ you might feel differently.
Feminism? No way
by StopTheTears 51 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
I am returning t'm'w with a list of laws and common practices cira 1965.
Men and women want ads. Men paid for more for same functional job.
Elite colleges only accepted men. Law school and medical schools were lucky if one solitary woman was present.
Women could not hold title.
Married names had to be used.
Birth control was not reliable.
Rape laws were pro-male. A woman fought off her attacker with a knife in Central Park. She was prosecuted for having a concealed weapon. Women who were raped were no longer considered part of society. They were wrong, not the rapist.
Laws regarding children were very weak. Women used their political power to press for children's rights.
Women were automatically granted a child in divorce until the age of three or four, the tender years. Thereafter, the father had total control.
Women were not allowed to serve on juries.
No one could imagine a professional women. The very few they were viewed to be lesbians.
Women's tasks, such as cooking, hair styling, teaching were viewed as a pink ghetto and poorly paid. Men's tasks were highly compensated.
Women, although cooks by tradition, could not be chefs. Julia Child was denied admission to the Cordon Bleu.
I am forgetting many things. Will try to find a list.
The Supreme Court saw discrimination against women, even when express, as highly desireable. Women were on the pedestal to their disadvantage.
Women could not inheirit certain forms of property.
Women could not make valid contracts in many states. They needed hubbies consent.
I became very ill with a ruptured ovarian cyst at 16 while driving to Boston. Emergency surgery was needed. I screeched my head off. I could not consent. My mom had to consent to a pelvic or my underage hubby could consent. It was and remains my body.
Watch old I Love Lucy episodes where Ricky spanks her. Those shows are better than a million lists.
Dower and curtesy laws existed concerning marital property. Dower involved women with minimal property. Curtesy applied to hubbie and was wildly generous.
No credit.
No housing on one's own.
No Room For George
BOTR, I'd like to see that list. I'm looking forward to that.
Now at age 46 those "values" leaveme cold. I want children and a christian husband. But they are not to be seen.....Stop the tears
What happened to the Husband you just married and refuse to have sex with?..
Are you having trouble remembering your own life?..
No Room For George
Whoa Outlaw, what're you talking about? LOL, hyperlink that post!! I love watching these folks lie and get caught in the lie. Her and Eggnog need to get together LOL
I loves me some Outlaw!!
No Room For George
She's bang out of order.
Hey Misery!..
The actual Thread was deleted..But..You can read my comments about it on another thread..
I`ve provided the link below..
You need a messiah This is my post on that thread..But..You can go check it out for yourself..
It`s the 11th post on the 1st page..
No Room For George
LOL, wow. We've got some nuts on this forum.
I've known alot of woman that have supported feminist ideals who had children and a Happy family.
Feminism did some good for all woman for all modern progressive societies.
I think the fact that you never got married and had a family is your own exclusive personal problem, feminism has nothing to do with that.