Feminism? No way

by StopTheTears 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Helpmate doesn't have to mean staying at home and taking care of the house and children while the husband supports financially. Helpmate could also be helping financially, helping parent the children, helping with the housework, helping share the load of life. The "designated" tasks are what WE (or rather, men from a thousand years or more ago) have defined.



  • Paralipomenon

    While I support equal rights, many feminist movements have become a powerful lobbyist groups that now bow to the extremes rather than moderation.

    My main concern is that many women (no different than men) want to have children. Feminist groups drastically downplay the risks and hardships of getting pregnant naturally past the age of 35. It doesn't jive with the "you can have a fullfilling career and have children when you chose" message.

    I think it's misleading and now being in that age group myself I am seeing more and more of friends going to fertility clinics, trying for years to get pregnant and the sorrow and disappointment that it brings.

    As per feminist regulations, since I completely in support of the movement, I am now a misogynist and hate women.

    Gotta love black and white thinking.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    One can adopt, be a foster parent, big sister, take oprhanage kids out ad hock to give them some pampering. You are not dead nor are you 115.

    Feminism is not responsible for your choices. This is denial of your own choosing. I was obsessed about having children. My college was the women's college in the Ivy League. We were all hard core feminists by instinct and gut feeling. Yet our most dominant conversation ad nauseum involved marriage and children. Feminism, marriage, and children compliment each other nicely.

    Politicans now focus on women's issues which involve quality health care, protection of children and equal pray for equal work.

    Be raped under the old laws and how you will be an outcast. The new laws changed by feminism give women a fighting chance and respect.

    The movement has wound down which disappoints me. Women will no longer accept second class citizens.

    Domestic violence victims have hope today if they can leave safely. There was no help before feminism.

    The rare female lawyers or doctors have very limited jobs. Enforcement of civil rights laws proved that there never was any valid reason for separating men and women in employment. Men and women do have different bodies. Few jobs require segregation

  • rebel8

    Your gravatar looks like genetalia.

    Young girls today just wanna party. Today young girls wanna go to a nightclub and have open sex on the floor of the nightclub, and then put it on YouTube, and if they should get pregnant they want to throw the baby into a dumpster. That's the new America! No morals. No self-respect. No nation. No borders. No language. No culture. No responsibility.


    Mother Mary was abducted and artificially impregnated without her knowingand sent down to earth,...During the time of Moses angels appeared to him telepathically and told him to free his people. He saw the flames from their ship in a tree and thought it was an act of God. They moved the water for Moses...Some people need to check their facts before posting things on there internet


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    With most sites, I would conclude that this is a satiric jokey thread. It is hard to tell here. Whatever.

  • rebel8

    Here are some things for the women's rights list.

    Not too long ago, women were not allowed to own property, earn wages, sign a contract, vote or even hold an opinion independent of their husbands.

    1910-Legislation began being passed to limit hours and provide safer working conditions.

    1920-Women earned the right to vote after 72 years of struggle.

    1963-Women earned the right to equal pay for equal work.

    1964-Ended workplace discrimination against women in any company with 25 or more employees.

    1967-Ended discrimination against women by federal contractors.

    Some year in the future when America wakes up- Constitutional protection against gender-based discrimination will be enacted. Currently there is Constitutional protection against discrimination based on religion or lack of religion, sexual orientation, race, older age, and disability. Nothing for women.

  • rebel8

    With most sites, I would conclude that this is a satiric jokey thread. It is hard to tell here. Whatever.

    Right, but then if you look at her posting history (samples above), you'd have to conclude all her posts are satiric and jokey.

  • serenitynow!
    the biggest mistake you'll ever make is to pursue a career

    Yeah, tell that to my mom, who after quitting a good job and not going to college, pioneered and was a housewife for 18 years, only to be left with 2 kids to feed with no child support and no marketable skills when my father left her and his children for some whore.

    A woman is dumb if she allows herself to be set up for a situation where she can't support herself or her children.

    And by the way, it is possible to have a career and a family. There are lots of women doing just that.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Constitutional protection exists now! The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed with about the very language used for race and religion. In legal terms, any classification by government based on gender, would be treated with strict scrutiny. The burden is on the government to prove they have a compelling justification for the classification and that it actually exists. Justification cannot be enough. Past const'l amendments took quite a while to make the rounds of state ratification. Recent amendments, though, were ratified quickly.

    The ERA sailed through many legislatures. Almost 3/4 of the states had ratified it with no meaninful debate. Right wing groups started arguing falsey that it would harm women. It would have removed almost all pedestal legislation. These laws supposedly placed women in a better position b/c they raise children and are weak. An example is women not serving in the military or on juries, even when they want to serve. The Roman Catholic Church felt threatened. Conservative states still not ratifying had long debates and no further action was taken. Some states that ratified it without debate retracted their ratification. It was never determined where such retraction is possible.

    This easy political battle became a horrendous mess. Feminism was strong, though, and much progress was made in educating people concerning feminist ideals. Most people believed in equal rights even if they felt an amendment was too much. Generous laws were enacted.

    The Supreme Court justices are married and have daughters. Over time, gender became an intermediate scrutiny method. The burden was on governmen to prove an important goal, not otherwise able to be carried out. The shifting of the burden from plaintiff to defendant meant women starting winning in great numbers. Since the Supreme Court already ruled in many cases that gender was almost like race and religion, activists decided not to press for the ERA. Theoretically, some cases might have been decided differently but they are rare.

    I worked on some of these Supreme Court cases in law school and afterwards. It has been a while. I could write about it much more persuasively then. Wikipedia prob. has a much better article than what I've written.

    As a poli sci matter, I see the role of the Court in reaching to accomodate a politcally disadvantaged group. The const'n did not change. They changed its interpretation. The amendment's language was so simple. It showed the power of the right wing to stop social progress. Life is so different now. We never needed a pedestal, only a fair, equal chance. Men still earn far more per hour for comparable work. I've read that fewer men go to college now than women do. Sort of Dylan, who is the first will later be last, the times they a changin'

  • Awen

    Out of curiosity I copied the first few sentences of STT original post and Googled it.

    Lookie what I discovered.


    Obvious plagiarism.

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